[Met_help] Information about Spearmnn rank correlation

Francesco Piani piani at lamma.rete.toscana.it
Mon Apr 20 04:55:36 MDT 2009

Good morning.
I'm a weather forecaster working for Tuscany Region, Italy. We use WRF-NMM as an operational model and MET to verify its results. In the MET user guide, appendix C, the Spearman rank correlation is indicated as 6/n(n2-1)*... instead of 1-6/n(n2-1)*..., as indicated in many articles (Schultz, 1995, An explicit cloud physics parameterization for operational numerical weather prediction, Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 3331-3343).
I would like what is the method used in MET to calculate this index, in order to interpret statistical results in a reasonable way.

Thanks in advance.

Francesco Piani

Dott.Ing. Francesco Piani
Weather Forecaster
Tuscany Region - Hydrological Service - Centro Funzionale
Laboratory for Meteorology and Environmental Modelling - National Council of Research
Via Madonna del Piano, 10 - Building D
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Fi) 

Tel.  +39 055 44 830.23
Fax  +39 055 44 40 83
email: piani at lamma.rete.toscana.it
email: francesco.piani at regione.toscana.it
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