[Met_help] problems compiling MET

Michael Brennan Michael.J.Brennan at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 26 13:10:57 MDT 2008


I'm attempting to compile MET in user space on a Linux workstation. I 
have all the necessary other software installed (NETCDF, BURFLIB, GSL, 
and F2C), and I've updated the code suggested on the "known issues" 
page. However, I'm still having problems. I've attached make 
make_met.log file and my top level Makefile.

I'm trying to use pre-compiled NETCDF libraries for compiling MET. Could 
that be part of the problem?

I appreciate any advice you might have.

-------------- next part --------------

*** Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***

*** Making vx_afm Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ afm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afm_keywords.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afm_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afm_token.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afmkeyword_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afmtokentype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_afm.a afm.o afm_keywords.o afm_line.o afm_token.o afmkeyword_to_string.o afmtokentype_to_string.o
ar: creating libvx_afm.a
ranlib libvx_afm.a

cp libvx_afm.a ../.

*** Making vx_analysis_util Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ analysis_utils.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ box.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ by_case_info.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ data_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mask_poly.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mode_atts.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mode_job.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mode_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ time_series.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdb_columns.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdb_job.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdb_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdbjobtype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdblinetype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_analysis_util.a analysis_utils.o box.o by_case_info.o data_line.o mask_poly.o mode_atts.o mode_job.o mode_line.o time_series.o vsdb_columns.o vsdb_job.o vsdb_line.o vsdbjobtype_to_string.o vsdblinetype_to_string.o
ar: creating libvx_analysis_util.a
ranlib libvx_analysis_util.a

cp libvx_analysis_util.a ../.

*** Making vx_cal Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ date_to_mjd.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ day_dif.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ day_of_week.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ doyhms_to_unix.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ easter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ holiday.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ is_dst.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ is_leap_year.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mdyhms_to_unix.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mjd_to_date.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ time_strings.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ unix_to_mdyhms.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_cal.a date_to_mjd.o day_dif.o day_of_week.o doyhms_to_unix.o easter.o holiday.o is_dst.o is_leap_year.o mdyhms_to_unix.o mjd_to_date.o time_strings.o unix_to_mdyhms.o
ar: creating libvx_cal.a
ranlib libvx_cal.a

cp libvx_cal.a ../.

*** Making vx_color Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ cfile.tab.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ lex.color.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
lex.color.c:1190: warning: 'void yyunput(int, char*)' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ vx_clist.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_color.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_ctable.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_color.a cfile.tab.o lex.color.o vx_clist.o vx_color.o vx_ctable.o
ar: creating libvx_color.a
ranlib libvx_color.a

cp libvx_color.a ../.

*** Making vx_contable Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_contable.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_contable_stats.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include/gsl -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/netcdf-3.6.2/include
In file included from ../vx_gsl_prob/vx_gsl_prob.h:17,
                 from ../vx_met_util/compute_ci.h:16,
                 from ../vx_met_util/vx_met_util.h:17,
                 from vx_contable_stats.cc:20:
../vx_gsl_prob/gsl_cdf.h:17:25: gsl/gsl_cdf.h: No such file or directory
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
make[3]: *** [vx_contable_stats.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [vx_contable_all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [libs] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
-------------- next part --------------
# *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
# ** Copyright UCAR (c) 1992 - 2005
# ** University Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR)
# ** National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR)
# ** Research Applications Lab (RAL)
# ** P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado, 80307-3000, USA
# *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

# Makefile for the Model Evaluation Tools Project 
# Begin Variables to be modified before building

# Path to the C++ Compiler
CPP_COMPILER = /usr/bin/g++

# Path to the Fortran-77 Compiler
F77_COMPILER = /usr/bin/g77

# Top level directory for the MET build
MET_BASE     = /export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0

# Top level directory for the NetCDF library
NETCDF_BASE  = /export/lnx274/mbrennan/netcdf-3.6.2

# Directory within the NetCDF library containing the C/C++ header files:
#    netcdf.hh
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path

# Directories within the NetCDF library containing the C/C++ archive files:
#    libnetcdf.a and libnetcdf_c++.a
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path

# Top level directory for the BUFR library
BUFR_BASE    = /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB

# Directory within the BUFR library containing header files
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path

# Directory within the BUFR library containing the libbufr.a archive file
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path

# Directory containing the GNU Scientific Library header files 
# (if they're not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path
GSL_INCS     = -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include/gsl

# Directory containing the GNU Scientific Library archive file, libgsl.a
# (if it's not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path
GSL_LIBS     = -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/lib

# Directory containing the F2C or G2C Library header files 
# (if they're not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path
F2C_INCS     = -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/f2c

# Directory containing the F2C or G2C Library archive file, 
# libf2c.a or libg2c.a (if it's not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path
F2C_LIBS     = -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/f2c/libf2c

# Name of the Fortan to C Library to be used
# Specified as: -lf2c or -lg2c
F2C_LIBNAME  = -lf2c

# End Variables to be modified before building

# Export variables to be used by submakes

export MET_BASE



export BUFR_INCS

export BUFR_LIBS

export GSL_INCS

export GSL_LIBS

export F2C_INCS

export F2C_LIBS

export F2C_LIBNAME

# End export variables to be used by submakes


FLAGS		= -g -Wall -Wshadow -static

FAKES		= all clean libs targets

LIB_DIR		= lib

INC_DIR		= lib

SRC_DIR		= src

VX_AFM		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_afm
VX_ANALYSIS_UTIL= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_analysis_util
VX_CAL		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_cal
VX_COLOR	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_color
VX_CONTABLE	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_contable
VX_DATA_GRIDS	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_data_grids
VX_ECONFIG	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_econfig
VX_GNOMON	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_gnomon
VX_GRIB_CLASSES	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_grib_classes
VX_GSL_PROB	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_gsl_prob
VX_MATH		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_math
VX_MET_UTIL	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_met_util
VX_NAV		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_nav
VX_PLOT_UTIL	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_plot_util
VX_PS		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_ps
VX_PXM		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_pxm
VX_RENDER	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_render
VX_UTIL		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_util
VX_WRFDATA	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_wrfdata
VX_WRFMODE	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_wrfmode
PCP_COMBINE	= $(SRC_DIR)/pcp_combine
MODE		= $(SRC_DIR)/mode
GRID_STAT	= $(SRC_DIR)/grid_stat
PB2NC		= $(SRC_DIR)/pb2nc
POINT_STAT	= $(SRC_DIR)/point_stat
VSDB_ANALYSIS	= $(SRC_DIR)/vsdb_analysis
MODE_ANALYSIS	= $(SRC_DIR)/mode_analysis

	@ echo
	@ echo "*** Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***"
	@ echo
	@ make libs    --no-print-directory
	@ make targets --no-print-directory
	@ echo
	@ echo "*** Finished Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***"
	@ echo

	@ cd $(VX_AFM);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ANALYSIS_UTIL);make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CAL);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_COLOR);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CONTABLE);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_DATA_GRIDS);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ECONFIG);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GNOMON);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GRIB_CLASSES); make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GSL_PROB);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MATH);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MET_UTIL);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_NAV);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PLOT_UTIL);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PS);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PXM);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_RENDER);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_UTIL);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFDATA);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFMODE);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory

	@ cd $(PCP_COMBINE);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(GRID_STAT);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(PB2NC);		 make CPP_COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) F77_COMPILER=$(F77_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" PGI_LIBS="$(PGI_LIBS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(POINT_STAT);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VSDB_ANALYSIS);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE_ANALYSIS);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory

	@ cd $(VX_AFM);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ANALYSIS_UTIL);make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CAL);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_COLOR);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CONTABLE);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_DATA_GRIDS);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ECONFIG);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GNOMON);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GRIB_CLASSES); make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GSL_PROB);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MATH);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MET_UTIL);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_NAV);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PLOT_UTIL);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PS);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PXM);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_RENDER);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_UTIL);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFDATA);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFMODE);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(PCP_COMBINE);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(GRID_STAT);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(PB2NC);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(POINT_STAT);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VSDB_ANALYSIS);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE_ANALYSIS);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	rm -r -f *.a *.o junk temp core log c.ps a.out

-------------- next part --------------
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