[Met_help] Re: Data interface about met program?

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Fri Jan 25 09:23:14 MST 2008


Based on the files you sent, I see that the error you're encountering is due to NetCDF.  The linker isn't finding the NetCDF library archive files it's looking for.

I'm hoping that if you make a simple fix in the Makefile and recompile, it'll get past this error.

In the Makefile, look at how the variable NETCDF_LIBS is defined.  List out those directories:
ls /home/users/zhucoffee/wrfnew/netcdf/libs
ls /home/users/zhucoffee/wrfnew/netcdf/include

Do they contain the files libnetcdf.a and libnetcdf_c++.a?

If not, locate those two files in the NetCDF directory.  You can try something like:
cd /home/users/zhucoffee/wrfnew/netcdf
find ./ -name libnetcdf.a
find ./ -name libnetcdf_c++.a

Then reset NETCDF_LIBS to the directory (or directories) that contain them.  And then rebuild MET with something like:
make clean
make >& make_met.log&

Please let me know if that did the trick.

John Halley Gotway

So I'd suggest checking whether the version of NetCDF in /home/users/zhucoffee/wrfnew/netcdf was compiled using the PGI or the GNU compilers.

Coffee.Z wrote:
> Dear John:
>         Here is the log. Although i have changed the PGI compiler to the 32 bit and all other external lib to 32 bit. It is still failed. 
> User: CoffeeZ
> ÄúºÃ£¡
>     ÖÂ
> Àñ£¡
> СÖì
> 2008-01-25
> ·¢¼þÈË£º John Halley Gotway
> ·¢ËÍʱ¼ä£º 2008-01-25 12:44:42
> ÊÕ¼þÈË£º Coffee.Z
> ³­ËÍ£º met_help at ucar.edu
> Ö÷Ì⣺ Re: Data interface about met program?
> Sorry to hear about the PGI compilers.  If you'd like to send the Makefile
> and compilation log file, I could take a look and see if there's anything
> obviously wrong.
> What I mean is, when you build MET using a command like...
> make -f Makefile_pgi  >& make_met.log
> ... please send me a copy of the "Makefile_pgi" that you're using and a
> copy of the "make_met.log" logfile.
> Regarding the issue of using point observations in ASCII format, several
> users are encountering the same obstacle.  For the next release of MET,
> I'd like to add a utility that will convert formatted ASCII point
> observations into the NetCDF format that MET is expecting.
> However, that release won't be ready for a couple of months I'd say.  In
> the meantime, I need to write up some instructions describing what the
> NetCDF point observations should look like for those users who would like
> to reformat their observations into NetCDF themselves.
> So I'll work on those basic instructions tomorrow, post that info to the
> MET website, and let you know when it's available for you to take a look
> at.
> Thanks,
> John
>> Dear John:
>>      Thanks very much for your kind guidance! I have try the PGI compiler,
>> but still failed. I will try it again when i back to my school.
>>      Right now, I have some question about the met data interface. For in
>> my country, most of the observational data are stored in ASCII
>> format. That mean i can't use the 'pb2nc' util. So I'm thinking to
>> transfer my observational data  to  the netcdf format, instead of to
>> the prebufr format.  My question is do i need to pay special
>> attention when i write the netcdf code?
>>      Another question is about the gridded input of the observational
>> data. I'm wondering if i use the data like 'ncep fnl global 1 degree
>> * 1 degree', do i need to intepolate the data into the domain just as
>> the wrf output?
>>      Thanks!
>> users: CoffeeZ
>> ÄúºÃ£¡
>>     ÖÂ
>> Àñ£¡
>> СÖì
>> 2008-01-25
>> ·¢¼þÈË£º John Halley Gotway
>> ·¢ËÍʱ¼ä£º 2008-01-23 09:35:59
>> ÊÕ¼þÈË£º Coffee.Z
>> ³­ËÍ£º met_help
>> Ö÷Ì⣺ Re: [Met_help] Error when running met with the test_all.csh?
>> In regards to compiling MET using the PGI compilers, I wanted to point
>> you
>> to a couple of known issues posted on the MET website.
>> The "Makefile_pgi" file needs to be modified prior to compiling with the
>> PGI compilers, especially version 7 of the PGI compilers:
>> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/known_issues/METv1.0/METv1.0_known_issues.php
>> So if you'd like to try using the PGI compilers again please refer to the
>> fixes posted.
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm guessing that the problems you're encountering are related to
>>> running
>>> MET on a 64-bit machine.  Currently, BUFRLIB a library on which MET
>>> depends, doesn't work well on a 64-bit machine.  That's
>>> the reason for the error message you're seeing from PB2NC:
>>>  **************BUFR ARCHIVE LIBRARY ABORT*****************
>>>  **************BUFR ARCHIVE LIBRARY ABORT*****************
>>> However, for the other error messages you're seeing about the NetCDF
>>> file
>>> containing illegal characters... that may also be related to running on
>>> a
>>> 64-bit machine.
>>> I'm in the process of trying to get MET to run on a 64-bit machine we
>>> have
>>> here at NCAR.  What I'm trying to do is compile MET (and the libraries
>>> on
>>> which it depends) using the GNU -m32 compiler flag
>>> which should build 32-bit code.  But I'm still working on it.
>>> In the top-level MET directory, edit the file "Makefile".
>>> Replace the line:
>>> FLAGS           = -g -Wall -Wshadow -static
>>> with
>>> FLAGS           = -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -m32
>>> But the trick is to get the libraries on which MET depends to compile
>>> as
>>> 32-bit as well.
>>> Feel free to give it a shot yourself.  I'll let you know when I'm able
>>> to
>>> compile it on a 64-bit machine myself.  If you have access to a 32-bit
>>> machine, I'd suggest trying it over there as well.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John Halley Gotway
>>> Coffee.Z wrote:
>>>  > Hello,met_help:
>>>  >
>>>  >     i have been trying to run the met program with the sample data,
>>> but
>>>  > encountered the following problem, for more detail, you can see
>>>  > further in test.log:
>>>  >
>>>  > *** Running GRID_STAT using netCDF input for both forecast and
>>>  > observation ***
>>>  > Forecast File: ../out/pcp_combine/sample_fcst_12L_2005080712V_12A.nc
>>>  > Observation File: ../out/pcp_combine/sample_obs_2005080712V_12A.nc
>>>  > Configuration File: config/GridStatConfig_APCP_12
>>>  > NetCDF Precipitation (min, max) = (0, 38.8841)
>>>  > NetCDF Precipitation (min, max) = (0, 104.1)
>>>  > NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters
>>>  > ....
>>>  > ERROR: process_obs_file() -  > can't open observation netCDF file:
>>>  > ../out/pb2nc/sample_pb.nc
>>>  >
>>>  >    I have been tried to build the source code with pgf77, but failed.
>>>  > The above is the result build with g++ and g77. Since the netcdf is
>>>  > build with the pgf90 and the system is 64 bit, and i'm wondering if i
>>>  > need to build the source code with pgi.
>>>  >
>>>  >     Thanks!
>>>  >
>>>  >  user: CoffeeZ
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > ÄúºÃ£¡
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >     ÖÂ
>>>  > Àñ£¡
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > СÖì
>>>  > 2008-01-23
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  >
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>>>  > Met_help mailing list
>>>  > Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu
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