[Met_help] known problem but not solution for pb2nc on a 64-bit machine (UNCLASSIFIED)

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Thu Dec 11 11:15:53 MST 2008


I'm sure we could run that for you and generate the NetCDF output of
PB2NC.  The only issue is that the file is no longer available on the ftp
site you indicated:

They only have the last 24 hours or so of data available on that page. 
Hopefully, you've stored a copy of that file yourself locally.  If so,
please follow the instructions below for posting it to our anonymous ftp
site.  If not, let me know and I can probably retrieve that file from
NCEP's machines.

Instructions for anonymous ftp site:
- go to the directory containing the file "ndas.t12z.prepbufr.tm12.nr"
- ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
- username = anonymous
- password = "your email address"
- cd incoming/irap/johnhg
- put ndas.t12z.prepbufr.tm12.nr
- (after the transfer is complete) bye

Please write to let us know when you've posted the file, and we can
convert it for you.  After we convert the file, we'll just post it to that
same ftp site, and you can retrieve it from there.


> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE
> Hello,
>      Bob Flanigan has been out of the office or has been busy with other
> projects.  I expect he'll follow up with your suggestions on our pb2nc
> problems, but in the meantime I'd love to see if I can get the PointStat
> tool to work.
>      I certainly understand if no one has time to try this for me, but
> if it would be convenient for someone there to run pb2nc for me and send
> me the resulting .nc file, that would be wonderful.
>      As a sample to go with WRF results I have, I am interested in the
> following file from
> ftp://ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nam/prod/ndas.20081210/
>      ndas.t12z.prepbufr.tm12.nr
> I could email the Fortran blocked version of this file, but it is 7.8M,
> so I wasn't sure if you could accept that size of an attachment.  I
> could use a file from a different date if the December 10 folder is no
> longer available.
> I am interested in getting pretty much everything I can from the file,
> except cropped to a 550km x 550 km area centered near Yuma, AZ, as
> specified in the attached PB2NCConfig_YUMd01_12_12 and YUMd01.poly
> files.
> Barb Sauter
> US Army Research Laboratory
> White Sands Missile Range, NM
> 575-678-2840
> bsauter at arl.army.mil
>     Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE

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