[Met_help] Re: MET error

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Fri Oct 5 10:46:13 MDT 2007


This is good stuff.  I'm glad you caught this error.  What's happening is that we're computing statistics for a sample size of only 1!  When we go to compute confidence intervals, needless to say,
there are problems.  I've added checks to only compute confidence intervals when the sample size is large enough to do so.

However, we're leaving it up to the users to interpret their results.  For example, if you have a confidence interval computed for a very small sample size (under 10), I wouldn't trust it very much.

I've attached an updated version of the file "point_stat.cc".  You can use it to replace the version in METv0.9/src/point_stat.  Then at the top-level, do a "make clean" followed by a "make >&

Let me know if you run into other problems.  I'll include these changes in the development version of MET so that they appear in the next official release.

Thanks for finding this bug Luke.  We really appreciate it.


Luke Peffers wrote:
> Ok John, I have "put" the data you requested in your directory via ftp.  As
> for the point_stat statement, I did enter it correctly but goofed when I
> typed the email.  Too bad that wasn't the only problem.  Please let me know
> what you find.
> Luke Peffers
> On 10/4/07, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at rap.ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Luke,
>> I haven't seen that error message before.  One thing to point out
>> though... If you look at the usage statement for point_stat, you'll see
>> that it's expecting the "model" name to be listed as the 3rd argument.  So
>> you should running the command as:
>> /point_stat ./WRFPRS_d01.72  ./OBS_10_01_06.nc WRF_SingleG -config
>> PointStatConfig_default
>> Otherwise, it'll think the model name is "-config".  I should probably
>> make the argument processing smarter than that to skip the optional
>> arguments.
>> Anyway, I'm guessing I'll need to run the data you're using to try to
>> reproduce the error.  Would you be able to post those files to the FTP
>> site again?
>> I'd need the 3 files:
>> WRFPRS_d01.72
>> OBS_10_01_06.nc
>> PointStatConfig_default
>> Please let me know when they're up there, and I'll give it a shot.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>>> Hello John:
>>> I have another error for you.  I received this one with this command:
>>> ./point_stat ./WRFPRS_d01.72     ./OBS_10_01_06.nc     -config
>>> ./PointStatConfig_default     WRF_SingleG
>>> gsl: beta.c:56: ERROR: domain error
>>> Default GSL error handler invoked.
>>> Abort
>>> Do you know where things may have gone wrong?
>>> Luke Peffers
>>> FSU
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