[Grad-postdoc-assn] NSF NCAR Early Career Faculty Innovators Program - Solicitation for Letters of Intent

Alexandra Ramos Valle aramos at ucar.edu
Mon Jan 22 14:07:18 MST 2024

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the application period for the fourth
cohort of the NSF NCAR Early Career Faculty Innovator Program has
officially opened. We are accepting applications from faculty with degrees
or demonstrated research experience in social, behavioral, or policy
sciences to co-develop and collaborate on projects with NSF NCAR scientists
at the intersection of social science and climate research.

Please visit our Innovators webpage
details on eligibility and application instructions. Letters of Intent
(LOI) will be accepted now through May 1st, 2024.

The Innovator Program will award two-year grants up to $250K in total,
starting in the Fall 2025. Competitive proposals will demonstrate
interdisciplinary and actionable research projects that respond to societal
needs. More details can be found on our website

We are hosting two Virtual Q&A sessions
<https://forms.gle/EdjkDbqKzh3PLbuW6>, on March 6th (3pm MDT) and on April
4th (9am MDT), to answer any questions faculty may have–Registration is
required. Interested faculty can also sign up for our mailing list
get relevant program updates.

Please share this information and flyer
<https://indd.adobe.com/view/d888aee3-7555-406a-bf12-61abd536ebdb> with
your colleagues that have expertise in social science research.

Email us at ecinnovators at ucar.edu with any questions.

Thank you!


Alexandra N. Ramos-Valle, PhD
Project Scientist I - NCAR Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Laboratory
Program Coordinator - NCAR EdEC Early Career Faculty Innovator Program
NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research

Innovators Program Support Specialist: Auliya McCauley-Hartner,
hartner at ucar.edu
Alexandra N. Ramos-Valle, PhD
Project Scientist I - NSF NCAR Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Lab
Program Coordinator - NCAR EdEC Early Career Faculty Innovator Program
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