[Grad-postdoc-assn] UAlbany Assistant Professor in Atmospheric Science: Extreme Weather Systems

Tang, Brian btang at albany.edu
Wed Oct 18 09:52:44 MDT 2023

The Department of Atmospheric and Environment Sciences at The University at Albany is searching for a tenure-track assistant professor in area of Extreme Weather Systems.

We seek candidates with backgrounds in atmospheric science with expertise in extreme weather systems, who study these systems using numerical weather modeling and/or field observations to gain insight into physical processes. Extreme weather systems of particular interest include midlatitude cyclones, severe convective storms, and fire weather; other areas are also welcome.

The full posting, including job responsibilities, qualifications, and how to apply, may be found at http://albany.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=168550. Applications received by 1 December 2023 will receive priority consideration. Questions may be directed to the chair of the search committee, Dr. Brian Tang (btang at albany.edu<mailto:btang at albany.edu>).

Brian Hong-An Tang
Associate Professor
University at Albany - SUNY
Dept. Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

ETEC 415
518-442-4572 | @btangyWx | he/him/his
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