[Grad-postdoc-assn] Panel: History of science track changes at NCAR

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Fri Jan 27 08:00:00 MST 2023

Good morning, and Happy Friday!
This just in from the ECSA (Early Career Scientist Assembly).  - Val

*Panel discussion: History of science track changes at NCA*
Feb. 17th, 10 -11 am, location TBD.

We're excited to announce our 2nd ECSA Forum! For this Forum, we will be
inviting 4 panelists to discuss their perspectives on the history of
scientific track changes at NCAR. The 4 panelists will be the following.

Chris Davis, Deputy Director of EdEC
Scott Landolt, Project Scientist in RAL
Peter Lawrence, Project Scientist in CGD
Tammy Weckwerth, Senior Scientist in EOL

The discussion with the panel will be structured using the same 2 questions
that were asked at the first ECSA Forum.

*What are the top 2-3 reasons you decided to work at NCAR?*
*What are 2-3 feelings that arise when thinking about the SAM

This will be an informal discussion where we'll have breaks to ask the
panelists follow-up questions. This session will be held virtually and is
intended for early-career staff only. We hope that this will be a space
where we can share and listen to the perspectives of more senior scientific
staff at NCAR.

Hope you all can join us Friday, 2/17 from 10-11 am! Calendar invite to

Carol Ruchti on behalf of the ECSA-SC committee.

May Wong (Co-chair; MMM) (mwong at ucar.edu)
Carol Ruchti (Co-chair, EOL) (ruchti at ucar.edu)
Agbeli Ameko (CISL) (agbeli at ucar.edu)
Dan Amrhein (CGD) (damrhein at ucar.edu)
Charlie Becker (CISL) (cbecker at ucar.edu)
Mrinal Biswas (RAL) (biswas at ucar.edu)
Paul Bryans (HAO) (pbryans at ucar.edu)
Meg Fowler (CGD) (megfowler at ucar.edu)
Christopher Riedel (Post-doc)(criedel at ucar.edu)
Jun Zhang (ACOM) (jzhang at ucar.edu)

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