[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: NCAR/UCP Postdoc Grant Writing and Management Seminar #2 next week

Erin Dougherty doughert at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 5 15:30:02 MDT 2022

Hi all,

This is just a reminder that the second grant-writing workshop is *tomorrow*
at *9:30 MT.* If you are attending in person, please bring a laptop or
phone with you to submit questions to Slido.

See you tomorrow!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Erin Dougherty <doughert at ucar.edu>
Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 10:59 AM
Subject: NCAR/UCP Postdoc Grant Writing and Management Seminar #2 next week
To: local-ncar-postdocs <local-ncar-postdocs at ucar.edu>, <
Postdocs at mailman.ucar.edu>, ncar-ucp-prof-dev-cmte <
ncar-ucp-prof-dev-cmte at ucar.edu>, Mariana Cains <mgcains at ucar.edu>, Soudeh
Kamali <skamali at ucar.edu>, Hugh Walpole <walpole at ucar.edu>

Good morning postdocs!

This is a quick reminder that our second seminar in the NCAR/UCP
Postdoc Grant Writing and Management Seminar Series is *Next Thursday
(September 22nd) at 9:30 AM MT!* You should already have received a
calendar invitation to the event in the last couple of weeks so we're
looking forward to seeing you there.

This session will focus on different granting organizations' policies and
procedures for grants, with program officers from NOAA and NSF. Please see
the flyer and calendar information below for additional details and please
feel free to contact me and Yifan Cheng (yifanc at ucar.edu) and Danielle
Touma (detouma at ucar.edu) if you have questions.

We'll see you all next week!

[image: grant_workshop.png]

*Calendar Info:*
NCAR/UCP Postdoc Grant Writing & Management  Series: Granting
Organizations' Procedures and Policies
Thursday, October 6 · 9:30am – 11am
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/fwc-obpr-trm
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 352-453-0865‬ PIN: ‪962 132 905‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/fwc-obpr-trm?pin=2874526611501


Erin Dougherty (she/her)
Postdoctoral Fellow | NCAR Advanced Study Program
National Center for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307
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