[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: FW: [EXTERNAL] - Job Opportunity: Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Dean's Postdoctoral Fellows Program

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Tue Nov 22 15:33:38 MST 2022


Hi All

I thought you might be interested in this….

I hope your week went well.

Happy Thanksgiving!



[image: signature_1457482822]

*Dr. Alexandra Isern** (She, Her, Hers)*

*Assistant Director*

*Directorate for Geosciences*

National Science Foundation

2415 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria VA, 22314

Phone: 703-292-7581

Mobile: 703-314-2764

Web: https://www.nsf.gov/dir/index.jsp?org=GEO

Email: aisern at nsf.gov

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*From: *Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability <lupec at stanford.edu>
*Reply-To: *"streamsurge at stanford.edu" <streamsurge at stanford.edu>
*Date: *Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 7:13 PM
*To: *Alexandra Isern <aisern at nsf.gov>
*Subject: *[EXTERNAL] - Job Opportunity: Stanford Doerr School of
Sustainability Dean's Postdoctoral Fellows Program

This email originated from outside of the National Science Foundation. Do
not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
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Help us share this exciting postdoc opportunity!

[image: Image removed by sender. Help us share this exciting postdoc

Dear Dr. Isern,

I'm writing on behalf of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion office
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/nhl4w9p> at the Stanford Doerr
School of Sustainability with the aim of sharing with you an exciting
postdoctoral fellowship program at our School.

We are now accepting applications for the Doerr School of Sustainability
Dean's Postdoctoral fellowship
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/39l4w9p> for scholars who would
like to pursue postdoctoral research in the various disciplines represented
at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/j2m4w9p>, including the Earth
sciences, oceans, energy, environmental justice, civil & environmental
engineering, and who also demonstrate experience and commitment to
advancing diversity and inclusion within our field. We especially seek to
attract applications from promising scholars from underrepresented
backgrounds in STEM as well as those who are in emerging areas related to
the broader field of sustainability that intersect with issues of human
impact and equity.

The Dean’s Postdoctoral fellows will receive fellowship support and faculty
mentoring and will participate in professional development programs as part
of the school community. The fellowship carries an annual stipend of
$85,000 for up to two years and includes a research stipend of
$10,000/year.* The
application deadline is Dec. 14th, 2022. *

Can you please share this postdoc application website
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/zun4w9p> and the
flyer/announcement included below with your diverse networks or graduate
students and postdocs who are looking for opportunities?

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to spread the word
and if you have any questions. Thanks so much for your help!


*Guadalupe Carrillo, PhD*
*Director, Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion*
*Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability*

*Pronouns: She/her/hers*

[image: Image removed by sender. Alternate text]

*Stanford Doerr School Dean's Postdoctoral Fellows Program *

[image: Image removed by sender. Two people looking at a large map]

Visit sustainability.stanford.edu
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/fno4w9p> to learn more about our

*The Stanford Doerr School Dean's Postdoctoral Fellows Program:*

As part of advancing Stanford University’s IDEAL vision
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/vfp4w9p> and commitment to
diversity (broadly defined) among its research community, this fellowship
supports outstanding scholars in the fields of Earth, oceans, energy, and
civil and & environmental engineering, as well as other emerging fields in
sustainability, including research fields that intersect with societal
issues, whose research and mentorship of undergraduate and graduate
students will contribute to scientific excellence and diversity, equity,
inclusion within the Doerr school of Sustainability.

The Dean’s Postdoctoral fellows will receive fellowship support and faculty
mentoring and will participate in professional development programs as part
of the school community. The fellowship carries an annual stipend of
*$85,000* for up to two years and includes a research stipend of

*How to Apply:*

Candidates are encouraged to reach out to potential faculty mentors in the
Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability whose research aligns with their
interests (see Doerr School of Sustainability faculty directory website
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/b8p4w9p>). We especially seek to
attract applications from promising scholars from underrepresented
backgrounds in STEM as well as those who are in emerging areas related to
Earth sciences, oceans, energy, civil & environmental engineering, and the
broader field of sustainability that intersect with issues of human impact
and equity.

This application portal for the next cohort is now open and applicants are
encouraged to apply by the deadline of *December 14th, 2022*. The
application portal asks prospective candidates to submit a cover letter
(2-page max), diversity statement (2-page max), research statement (2-page
max), current CV, and contact information for 2 references. If candidates
have any questions about the application portal, please feel free to visit
postdoc program website <https://t.e2ma.net/click/35e4w0/fj5q2dqb/r0q4w9p> or
contact us at sustainpostdoc at stanford.edu.

We will not be asking applicants to send full letters of recommendations
during the first round of evaluations–we will request letters from
recommenders only during the finalists round. We will do our best to
complete the evaluation process by March-April 2023.

All are welcome to apply, and candidates will be evaluated based their
potential to support the school’s commitment to diversity and research
excellence, as well as a faculty mentor’s ability to support the
candidates’ research goals and to advance an inclusive working environment
in the school.

[image: Submit Application Here]

About Application Materials:

*The cover letter* (2-page maximum) should provide the committee with an
overview of why the applicant would be a great fit for the Dean's postdoc
fellowship program, and how it would help the candidate not only in
advancing research and knowledge but also in advancing diversity, equity
and inclusion at Stanford and in their respective field. The cover letter
should provide *an overview *of the applicant's past experiences and
accomplishments, as well as future goals and directions, that demonstrate a
dedication to research excellence and diversity within the broader field of

*The diversity statement *(2-page maximum) should *expand upon* the
applicant’s experiences with diversity in research, teaching, and/or
service, and the candidate’s potential to support the School’s commitment
to diversity, inclusion, equity, and access. *The research statement *(2-page
maximum) should describe accomplishments, current work, future research
direction, and impacts of work with a potential Stanford Doerr school
faculty mentor.

[image: Image removed by sender.]

*Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability deeply appreciates the value of a
diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and defines diversity broadly
to include (among other things) diversity of genders, races and
ethnicities, cultures, physical and learning differences, sexual
orientations and identities, veteran status, and work and life experiences.
The school welcomes all who would bring diversity of perspective to the
School's research and teaching missions. Stanford is an equal employment
opportunity and affirmative action employer, and consistent with its
obligations under the law prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of
any characteristic protected by applicable law.*


[image: CONTACT]

For questions, contact: sustainpostdoc at stanford.edu

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397 Panama Mall suite 139 | Stanford, CA 94305-2210 US

This email was sent to aisern at nsf.gov.
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[image: Image removed by sender.]

Scott Briggs

Advanced Study Program
Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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