[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: Faculty positions opening at URI

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Fri Dec 16 15:43:16 MST 2022


The University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography is searching
for two new tenure track faculty.  This position announcements can be found

Assistant Professor of Oceanography - (2 Positions)

Applications will be reviewed beginning February 15, 2023, and continue
until the position is filled.

The coastal ocean is undergoing dramatic transformations due to both local
anthropogenic pressures and global climate change. The resilience of
coastal marine regions is dependent on interactions among a dynamic set of
components, including complex biological systems (including humans),
shifting chemical baselines, and altered land-sea-air interactions. The
University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) seeks
applicants for two faculty positions at the assistant professor level to
address changes occurring in coastal regions across the globe. Successful
applicants will develop research and teaching programs that address the
fundamental underpinnings of coastal ocean systems and apply them through
transdisciplinary studies to coastal processes and resilience. New faculty
will join GSO during the onset of a $170 million investment by Rhode Island
in redevelopment of URI’s Bay Campus, including a new, $35 million ocean
engineering and large-scale tank facility and the commissioning of a new,
state-of-the-art regional class UNOLS research vessel R/V NARRAGANSETT DAWN.

GSO encourages applications from researchers whose work directly intersects
or has capacity to contribute to coastal processes and resilience. This
includes, but is not limited to:

• Biological oceanographers with a focus on middle and upper trophic level
biology in the coastal water column and/or benthos.

• Physical oceanographers with a focus on processes in estuarine or
continental shelf regions, ranging from circulation to submesoscale and

• Chemical oceanographers with a focus on natural or anthropogenic
biogeochemistry focused on coastal regions, including coastal resilience,
organic geochemistry, and trace elements to fundamental disciplinary topics.
• Geological oceanographers with a focus on coastal hazards, history and
rates of coastal change, and coastal processes (including sea level change,
sediment transport, erosion and deposition, human coastal modification,
seafloor morphological change, continental margin tectonics, and geodesy).

We particularly encourage applicants who use tools and approaches that
encompass remote sensing/optics, machine learning, process-based modeling
and data assimilation, bioinformatics, instrument development and use of
new and innovative autonomous platforms.
The GSO recognizes that oceanographers do not reflect the diverse spectrum
of humanity and that oceanography will be strengthened by contributions
from a broad range of perspectives. GSO strives to be a leader in
diversity, equity, and inclusion – and to change the way the STEM world
approaches these issues with real commitments to representation, social,
and environmental justice. We seek innovation and inspiration for the next
generation of ocean scientists, educators, and explorers. As such, we
particularly welcome candidates from groups that are historically
underrepresented, marginalized, or excluded in our field and/or have
demonstrated leadership towards building an equitable and inclusive
scholarly environment.

Job applications must be submitted directly online only at: (

Scott Briggs

Advanced Study Program
Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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