[Grad-postdoc-assn] Nature article: Breaking barriers for those with hidden disabilities

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 15 10:05:32 MST 2022

Good morning,

Our colleague Isabel Carrera Zamanillo has published an article in Nature
about barriers for those with hidden disabilities - including her personal
story - that is attached here as a PDF.  Thank you, Isabel, for writing
this and sharing your experience, it is courageous and helpful.    - Val

Breaking barriers for those with hidden disabilities
By Isabel Carrera Zamanillo
Dec. 2022

Chronic illnesses, mental health issues, and other hidden disabilities can
be debilitating, especially in combination with stigmatization and lack of
proper accommodations. Breaking barriers in academic systems for those with
hidden disabilities demands that personal, institutional and organizational
ableist biases are overcome, writes Isabel Carrera Zamanillo.

[image: Isabelle.jpeg]
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