[Grad-postdoc-assn] Postdoc position in regional carbon flux modeling (PNNL) by 11/13/2021

Sha bunnyvon at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 12:05:05 MDT 2021

The Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division at Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL) is seeking one (1) highly motivated postdoctoral
research associate to work on regional CO2 flux estimation modeling within
NASA carbon cycle program such as Carbon Monitoring System (CMS,

The incumbent will contribute to the development and evaluation of regional
carbon flux estimation modeling framework leveraging constraints from an
increasingly large volume of satellite (i.e. OCO-2, OCO-3, GeoCARB) and in
situ CO2 data, aiming at in improving spatial resolution and uncertainty
quantification and improving the fidelity of atmospheric transport simulations.
The assignments will include one or more of the following:

·       assessing transport, biogenic CO2 flux, and boundary condition
uncertainty over North America using an ensemble approach

·       evaluating the impact of the uncertainty quantifications on the
estimated CO2 fluxes

·       implementing a variety of CO2 measurements into an Eulerian hybrid
4DVar framework

·       designing and carrying out a set of Observation System Simulation
Experiments (OSSEs) for GeoCARB

The incumbent will work in close collaboration with carbon data
assimilation experts at PNNL and various institutions and companies,
Bayesian inversion modelers and experts in ground-based measurements at
NOAA, and satellite retrieval experts at Colorado State University.

Required qualifications:

o   A Ph.D. in atmospheric science, geoscience, environmental science,
civil and environmental engineering, or a related field;

o   Demonstrated experience in atmospheric modeling;

o   Experience with high-performance computing environments;

o   Fluency in Fortran, NCL, and Python/shell scripting.

Preferred qualification:

o   Experience in developing and evaluating atmospheric transport models
(e.g., WRF-Chem, CMAQ, JEDI).

o   Strong interpersonal communication skills;

o   Ability to publish work in peer-reviewed journals;

o   Strong team player with the willingness and ability to work

To apply, please upload your CV to
https://careers.pnnl.gov/jobs/2305?lang=en-us by November 13th, 2021
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