[Grad-postdoc-assn] Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor in Geology, Western Michigan University

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Thu Oct 28 09:36:58 MDT 2021

Good morning,

Check it out, even if you aren't sure that you're a good match.


Dear colleagues,

Western Michigan University's Department of Geological and Environmental
Sciences is searching for a new colleague to be part of our team focused on
creative and vibrant geoscience research and outstanding teaching! An
abbreviated ad is pasted below, with the full advertisement in the
attachment and on our job webpage: https://wmich.edu/geology/about/jobs.
Please share this widely and contact the search committee chair, Dr. Steve
Kaczmarek (stephen.kaczmarek at wmich.edu), or the department chair (me) with
any questions.

Best, Heather
Chair, Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Western Michigan University

We seek a creative and dynamic colleague who will (i) establish a strong
and vibrant research program that complements and strengthens our existing
research activities, and (ii) excel in teaching core undergraduate geology
courses and graduate courses in their area of expertise. The ideal
candidate will support the research mission of the department by leading a
vibrant externally funded research program, publishing in high-quality,
peer-reviewed journals, and supervising diverse domestic and international
undergraduate and graduate student researchers. The ideal hire will also be
able to leverage potential collaborations with the Michigan Geological
Repository for Research and Education (MGRRE) and the Michigan Geological
Survey (MGS), as well as existing instrumentation and facilities in the
department. The candidate must possess an earned Ph.D. in geosciences or a
closely related field from an accredited institution by the time of
appointment. A demonstrable record of active research and publication is
required. For a full description of the position, department, and
university please see https://wmich.edu/geology/about/jobs.
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