[Grad-postdoc-assn] Present a poster at the 15th Annual ESSS Poster Conference (Friday, Dec. 3 - SEEC C120)

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Thu Oct 14 09:05:59 MDT 2021

Good morning, everyone, Happy Thursday!

Please see this opportunity to present a poster at this in-person
conference in Boulder on Dec. 3rd. Poster judges are needed, too. This is a
good opportunity to: (a) motivate yourself to get to a milestone with your
research and present it (or present a problem/hurdle), and (b) to network
with people.  SEEC is located on East Campus near Foothills Pkwy and
Colorado Ave. Poster judges are needed, too. See email below and attached

Also - this keynote seminar sounds like it will be very interesting. I plan
to go and hear her speak, and would love to see you and your poster there.
- Val

*A keynote seminar by Dr. Cecilia Sorensen, M.D.
<https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/people/our-faculty/cjs2282> (Columbia
University) will kick off the conference at 10:30am, with the poster
session immediately following from 11:30am–2:30pm. **Dr. Sorensen is an
Associate Professor at Columbia University and is rostered in both the
School of Public Health and the Department of Emergency Medicine. Dr.
Sorensen also serves as Director of the Global Consortium on Climate and
Health Education and as an author for the U.S. Fourth National Climate
Assessment. Her research covers domestic as well as international health
issues related to climate change, including topics such as heat stress and
worker health in Guatemala, wildfires and health care utilization, the
emergence of the Zika virus in Ecuador, climate impacts on women's health
in India, and mortality following Hurricane Maria.*

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andrew Winters <andrew.c.winters at colorado.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 8:27 AM
Subject: Fw: Register for the 15th Annual ESSS Poster Conference (Friday,
Dec. 3 - SEEC C120)
To: Valerie Sloan <vsloan at ucar.edu>

Hi Val,

We're resuming our annual poster conference this year at CU! I'm passing
along this advertisement in case any NCAR-affiliated
students/postdocs/scientists are interested in attending or presenting.
Note that presentations are limited to students and postdocs, but we will
need a number of folks to serve as judges for our student poster

Hope you are well!



*Andrew C. Winters*
Assistant Professor
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)
University of Colorado Boulder
311 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0311
Office: SEEC C277 || Phone: 303-735-5775
https://acwinters.weebly.com || @acwinters_wx || he/him/his

Hi everyone,

The 15th Annual ATOC-sponsored Earth System & Space Science (ESSS) Poster
Conference will be held in the SEEC Auditorium (C120) on *Friday, December
3, 2021* (see flyer attached). This free conference highlights work by
students and early-career researchers in Earth System & Planetary Sciences,
Space Physics and Engineering. Participation from other CU departments as
well as other Front Range organizations and schools is welcomed!

A keynote seminar by *Dr. Cecilia Sorensen, M.D.
<https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/people/our-faculty/cjs2282>* (Columbia
University) will kick off the conference at 10:30am, with the poster
session immediately following from 11:30am–2:30pm. Dr. Sorensen is an
Associate Professor at Columbia University and is rostered in both the
School of Public Health and the Department of Emergency Medicine. Dr.
Sorensen also serves as Director of the Global Consortium on Climate and
Health Education and as an author for the U.S. Fourth National Climate
Assessment. Her research covers domestic as well as international health
issues related to climate change, including topics such as heat stress and
worker health in Guatemala, wildfires and health care utilization, the
emergence of the Zika virus in Ecuador, climate impacts on women's health
in India, and mortality following Hurricane Maria.

With the resumption of a traditional in-person poster conference, we will
also honor the best student poster presentation within a variety of science
categories, including the best poster presented by an undergraduate
student. More details on the format of the poster competition will be
provided in November, including a rubric that will be used for poster

To register to present a poster you will need to provide a title for your
presentation and your affiliation. An abstract is not required. You are
also asked to *p**lease register to attend even if you don't plan to
present a poster so that we can have an accurate guest count. The deadline
for registration and title submission is Monday, November 15 via this link
<https://forms.gle/Ztw5PMoritWX8vR86>.* More details regarding the poster
conference can be found at this website:
https://www.colorado.edu/atoc/events/esss-poster-conference. Note that we
will continue to monitor the ongoing pandemic and will adjust the format of
the conference as current university and local health guidelines dictate.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

The ATOC Poster Conference Committee
Andrew Winters, Kris Karnauskas, Megan Thompson-Munson, Chris Wyburn-Powell

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