[Grad-postdoc-assn] Postdoc available at UNAM in Mexico City

Annareli Morales amorales at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 22 14:43:40 MDT 2021

Hello all,

I've been asked to pass along a postdoc opportunity available at the
Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) with Dr. Graciela Raga
The call is open until mid-July and they're looking for someone to start in
March 2022. The topic/project is not predetermined, but rather it can be
agreed upon between the candidate
and Dr. Raga. She has quite a broad range of interests like cloud physics,
mesoscale meteorology, tropical cyclones, and synoptic scale meteorology.

The postdoc listing can be found here in Spanish
<https://dgapa.unam.mx/index.php/formacion-academica/posdoc>. If you're
interested, feel free to contact Dr. Raga directly (raga.graciela at gmail.com),
she can respond in English or Spanish. I could also connect you with her if
you'd like.

Feel free to share with others who might be interested!


*My work hours may not be your work hours. **Please do not feel obliged to
reply to this email outside of your normal working hours.*

Annareli Morales, PhD (she/her/ella)

Postdoctoral Fellow II | NCAR Advanced Study Program

Academia Ambassador Lead | AMS Committee for Hispanic and Latinx Advancement

p: 303-497-1614 (currently WFH) | e: amorales at ucar.edu | w:

<https://ncar.ucar.edu/>[image: https://twitter.com/banannareli]

Boulder County sits upon the traditional territories of the Cheyenne,
Arapaho, and Ute Nations.
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