[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: Innovator Program Seminar: Integrating Social Science into Global Environmental Change Solutions

Rebecca Haacker rhaacker at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 18 10:01:37 MDT 2019

Hi all,

I wanted to share the announcement of the first Innovator seminar. Please
join us for this weekly seminar series during the summer. Expect exciting
new science ideas, lively discussion, and opportunities to establish new
research collaborations!


Rebecca Haacker

NCAR Education & Outreach
Advanced Study Program

Phone: 303-497-8623www.asp.ucar.eduhttps://ncar.ucar.edu/education-outreach/education-and-outreach

Assistant Diana O. Verschoor: 303-497-1851

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Cassandra Olenick <cassie at ucar.edu>
Date: Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 1:22 AM
Subject: Innovator Program Seminar: Integrating Social Science into Global
Environmental Change Solutions


Thank you for your interest and participation in the Early Career Faculty
Innovator Program!

If your schedule allows it, please join us on *Thursday June 20th from
11:30-1pm (FL1-EOL ATRIUM) for the Innovator Program Seminar Series*
featuring Dr. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, an Innovator Program awardee and
faculty at Standford University. Gabrielle will be speaking for
approximately 45 minutes, with 45 minutes of discussion from the audience.
Below are presentation details and a short biography. Gabrielle's talk is
the first presentation in a series of weekly seminars featuring faculty
awardees in the Innovator Program.

Hope to see you this Thursday!

*Title: Integrating Social Science into Global Environmental Change

*Abstract:* The social and behavioral sciences are critical for informing
the development of policies to meet the challenge of global environmental
change. Policies for mitigating environmental change or reducing the harm
that it causes inevitably make assumptions about the behavior of the people
who must execute or respond to those policies. Unless those assumptions are
realistic, those policies may fail. Applying the social and behavioral
sciences, decision science approaches any problem through three
interrelated activities: formal analysis, characterizing the choices a
fully informed rational actor would take; descriptive research, examining
how people actually behave in those circumstances; interventions, designed
to create viable, effective options and help decision makers choose among
them. Each activity requires substantive collaboration with technical
experts (e.g., climate scientists, geologists, engineers, hydrologists,
regulatory analysts) and continuing engagement with decision makers. I
apply a decision science approach in a variety of domains related to
mitigating global environmental change or adapting to its effects,
including preparing for sea level rise, adoption of emerging green
transportation technologies, managing freshwater resources, and investment
in green infrastructure. This talk will illustrate the approach through an
example of my work on adapting to and preparing for gradual (sea level
rise) and episodic (hurricanes) environmental threats, followed by ideas
for moving forward. When successful, decision science can facilitate
creating environmental policies that are behaviorally informed, realistic,
and respectful of the people for whom they seek to aid. It can also help
uncover critical relationships that affect the dynamics of
human-environmental systems, suggesting targets for further collaborative

*Biography*: GABRIELLE WONG-PARODI is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Earth System Science and Center Fellow at the Woods Institute
for the Environment at Stanford University. Her research focuses on
applying behavioral decision research methods to address challenges
associated with global environmental change. Dr. Wong-Parodi uses
behavioral decision science approaches to create evidence-based strategies
for informed decision making, with a particular focus on building
resilience and promoting sustainability in the face of a changing climate.
She has a background in energy resources, climate change adaptation and
mitigation, and risk perceptions of emerging technologies, such as
unconventional shale gas development. She was an invited speaker at the
Sackler Colloquia at the National Academy of Sciences on the Science of
Science Communication. She recently served on the National Academy of
Sciences committee titled "Long-term Coastal Zone Dynamics: Interactions
and Feedbacks between Natural and Human Processes and their Implications
for the U.S. Coastline." Dr. Wong-Parodi is a faculty affiliate at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory and is the social science research liaison for
the Climate Advocacy Lab. Dr. Wong-Parodi received her B.S. in Psychology
at the University of California Berkeley, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Risk
Perceptions and Communication from the University of California, Berkeley.

Cassandra (Cassie) O'Lenick, PhD
Project Scientist I
Research Applications Laboratory

Program Coordinator, Early Career Faculty Innovators Program
Education and Outreach

National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO
*Cell phone: 703.981.7591*
Office phone: 303.497.2821
E-mail: cassie at ucar.edu

Innovators Program Support Specialist: Teresa foster, teresaf at ucar.edu,
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