[Go-essp-tech] Comments on the demo today.

Sylvia Murphy sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov
Tue Jan 24 14:18:20 MST 2012

Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the info.  When I follow that link, it just takes me to a login
page.  It would be nice if you had to login to submit tickets but anyone
could view the tickets.  There needs to be a way (e.g. email address) for
folks to submit ideas.  I want to spam Luca <evil grin>.

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 2:13 PM, <stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:

> Sylvia,
> There is a bug tracker at esgf.org/bugzilla<http://esgf.org/bugzilla>.
> It's not as swish as Jura. It very functional. I'm trying to channel as
> much feedback through there as possible.
> Stephen.
> --
> Stephen Pascoe from iPhone
> On 24 Jan 2012, at 21:08, "Sylvia Murphy" <sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov<mailto:
> sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov>> wrote:
> HI Luca,
> When I saw Stephen's email I was going to ask Gavin if there was a tracker
> you were all using to capture feature requests from users.  As you know
> there were a couple that I mentioned privately to you during the call.
> So is the roadmap on the wiki, your tracking system?  It seems like that
> is more of a release plan with chosen items on it?
> I would still recommend a public tracker that would at least capture
> EVERYTHING so users see their suggestions are being heard.  Ideally, then
> whatever group <hint hint> decides your priorities can draw from that
> complete list and users can see what is in the short-term queue (e.g.
> roadmap) and long-term queue (e.g. tickets).
> I think I am up to 0.04 cents now :)
> Sylvia
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Cinquini, Luca (3880) <
> Luca.Cinquini at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:Luca.Cinquini at jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> I inserted your well taken points in the Roadmap page:
> http://www.esgf.org/wiki/RoadMap. The purpose of the page is to provide a
> list of new features and items to work on, without becoming an
> overwhelmingly long list.
> About your speed concerns across the Atlantic... we can certainly try to
> speed things up with the system as is. If this doesn't prove enough, we
> could even consider searching "aggregated" nodes that replicate the
> metadata across continents - we already do this behind the scene at each
> node and we could scale it up to a global grid, if necessary. Something to
> keep in mind...
> I will look into the search by tracking_id and checksum problem, and
> report to the list soon enough.
> thanks, Luca
> On Jan 24, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Gavin M. Bell wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> I am glad you liked the demo.  We did indeed make a point to *listen* to
> our scientists and colleagues, like you, to address their issues.
> (rest interleaved below)
> On 1/24/12 9:54 AM, stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk<mailto:
> stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Firstly, a great demo of the P2P system today and I'm glad to see
> virtually all of the issues I've been nagging you about are being addressed
> ;-).  Whilst they are on my mind I have some, hopefully constructive,
> comments.
> of course ;-).
> Metadata: we really need the CIM metadata in there.  A lot of effort has
> gone into filling out the CIM metadata and the modelling centres won't be
> happy if it isn't visible along with the data.
> This will be taken care of in a couple weeks or so.  We would probably
> schedule a short demo of in on one of the next, if not the next go-essp
> call.
> Versions & Replicas: As you know these features are critical for the
> European CMIP5 centres who are committed  to maintain a snapshot for IPCC.
>   What Luca showed on the JPL node is very exciting and I agree there are
> lots of UI work that need to happen to make it more intuitive.
> Yes, the interface will be evolving.  Also the esgf-sh shell will be
> another interface into the system that command line folks may like better.
>  Certainly the primary point was to show that the capability exists and
> viable.  Point taken.
> Data integrity (checksums and tracking_ids): I think search by checksum or
> tracking_id is supposed to work but I can't make it happen on the JPL node.
>  Selecting a BADC dataset that JPL knows about and entering a checksum or
> tracking_id doesn't produce any hits.  I also hope we can display the
> checksums in the interface so that users can check them by hand.
> This was working rather well in the rehearsal before the demo.  It is a
> small matter that we will fix.   As for the display, again the front end is
> evolving and will provide a more intuitive interface.  We will give the
> users what they want.  Also there will be the esgf-sh that will provide a
> shell interface with options to view the results in many many different
> ways.
> Having played with pcmdi9 myself, I actually find the sticky session
> feature rather confusing.  If I return to it after a few days I don't
> expect to see my previous search criteria still active.  If I enter text in
> the "quick search" box I expect it to start a new search, not append it to
> my current search.  Luca showed how flexible the Results/DataCart system is
> but it too can be confusing (maybe I just have to get used to it).  I've
> managed to show odd things like an empty Results tab when there shouldn't
> be.  Some debugging is still needed.
> This can be easily fixed... but some folks I have talked to liked the
> stickiness as it provides continuity to the experience and they don't have
> to rehash everything up again when they go away.  We will find the right
> tone for this.  Also there are fixes that have been done that are not yet
> deployed on pcmdi9.
> I noticed that the responsiveness of the pcmdi9 interface was a lot better
> on the screencast than what I see from my desk in the UK.  It might be that
> the AJAX techniques used are more susceptible to latency problems than the
> traditional load-all-at-once model.  I think it will be important to test
> the software in a federation that includes index nodes on other continents
> to make sure we don't recreate slow search responses.  I've noticed that
> viewing the data cart can take a while with a few datasets selected.
> As for speed... there are a few techniques we can do to address that.
>  Also we will engage in this trans-Atlantic / trans-Pacific testing and see
> what's what.  Much of this will be made moot as we move data around under a
> more resource aware replication strategy.
> I stand by my concern about distributed search.  It would be best to give
> direct feedback to the user when nodes are offline making clear that this
> will affect search results.  Users really notice when the number of hits
> from a search result change and they want to know why.
> So, in my go-essp presentation about elastic networks... this p2p network
> will prune nodes that are not on line to provide consistent search results
> at any given point in time.  When index nodes come up they are
> automatically detected and sewn into the esgf p2p dataspace.  Okay, more
> directly addressing your concern... users can use the dashboard to view the
> nodes that are in the federation when they issue a query.  As you can see
> from the demo, you will be able to *see* the nodes and their state.  There
> is also a historical component to the dashboard monitoring that will also
> be present to allow you to step through time to see the state of the
> federation through time.  So for the curious, the dashboard will be how to
> exactly answer your question.
> There will be work moving forward to couple the RSS and the wget procured
> files such that updating can be done easily.  So if you pulled down files
> today and an index node was down ... and there were no replicas... (both of
> which make it more improbable that you get an incomplete record), then you
> can run your script at some other time when that index node is back up
> and/or replicas are on line and update your downloaded files.
> Distributed search is good... it offers inherent consistency that
> harvesting can't - by definition.
> All of this is just the tip of the iceberg.  There is work to be done
> making sure what we have it hardened.  There are lots of exciting features
> and capabilities on the horizon that we will be getting done, that you are
> welcome to help with, that we will be bringing to the community! :-)
> Cheers,
> Stephen.
> ---
> Stephen Pascoe  +44 (0)1235 445980<tel:%2B44%20%280%291235%20445980>
> Centre of Environmental Data Archival
> STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK
> --
> Scanned by iCritical.
> --
> Gavin M. Bell
> Lawrence Livermore National Labs
> --
>  "Never mistake a clear view for a short distance."
>               -Paul Saffo
> (GPG Key - http://rainbow.llnl.gov/dist/keys/gavin.asc)
>  A796 CE39 9C31 68A4 52A7  1F6B 66B7 B250 21D5 6D3E
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> ******************************************
> Sylvia Murphy
> NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
> 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
> Time Zone: U.S. Mountain
> Web: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/nesii/
> Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov<mailto:sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov>
> Phone: 303-497-7753
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> --
> Scanned by iCritical.

Sylvia Murphy
NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
Time Zone: U.S. Mountain
Web: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/nesii/
Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-7753
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