[Go-essp-tech] Call times

Cecelia DeLuca cecelia.deluca at noaa.gov
Sat Jan 21 14:51:55 MST 2012

Hi Gavin,

I understand that you have had this scheduled for a while and are 
expecting a good turnout.
If the earlier time compromised that I completely agree that something 
else would need
to be considered.  (IMHO I think the late scheduling change aspect could be
handled, there is plenty of last minute on and off about calls on this 

It could be useful to identify a spillover time slot, if the team needs 
it, during the week.
There is a lot to talk about and it's hard to watch contention caused by 
to fit everything into one hour.  That 8amMT slot is a decent candidate 
since the METAFOR
calls were at that time and just recently ended, freeing up some people 
who used to attend
both.  I know it's hardest on the W Coasters.

Could we set up a doodle and make sure that the people who want to see 
the p2p
demo could do it at the 8amMT time?  And maybe use the opportunity to 
check other
days of the week for options when talking can happen if talking needs to 
be more
than an hour?  Might be good to use it for other go-essp matters as well.

That said, I'm not sure who makes the final decisions on the schedule 
but will not
be offended by being overruled...


On 1/21/2012 1:44 PM, Gavin M. Bell wrote:
> Cecilia,
> I would like us to keep the usual scheduled time of 8-9am PDT for 
> demonstrating the P2P system.
> This would avoid confusion and ensure that we get the appropriate 
> audience.  The matrix discussion can be scheduled for another time.  
> Both these topics are important and should be addressed when everyone 
> can be present.  Moving the time /at this late date/ may introduce 
> inadvertent confusion.
> Not to be contrary, however, I think it is important to stick to the 
> usual time.  The 8-9PDT hour is and has been the best /compromise/ to 
> optimize attendance considering the disparate time zones.  Perhaps we 
> can schedule the other meeting for the following Tuesday, January 31st 
> at 8-9PDT?
> Thanks.
> On 1/21/12 1:14 PM, Cecelia DeLuca wrote:
>> Hi Stephen, I should have put MT on the times for our local  time.  My
>> intent was to propose
>> the hour before, 8-9MT/7-8PT, for the p2p, and the usual hour
>> 9-10MT/8-9PT for the matrix.
>> That order would make sense too for the discussion.
>> Best, Cecelia
> -- 
> Gavin M. Bell
> --
>   "Never mistake a clear view for a short distance."
>         	       -Paul Saffo

Cecelia DeLuca
NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
325 Broadway, Boulder 80305-337
Email: cecelia.deluca at noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-3604

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