[Go-essp-tech] Change of institute name

Karl Taylor taylor13 at llnl.gov
Thu Jan 19 17:48:22 MST 2012

Hi Muhammad,

As others have suggested there are a number of places where your model 
and institute names get posted.  The process starts when you 
record/update this information on the attached spreadsheet. Please pay 
special attention in the model and institute i.d.'s to whether 
characters are upper or lower case.  You should make every effort to 
make sure the global attributes -- model_id and institute_id -- in the 
netCDF file are consistent with what you enter on the spreadsheets.

Please don't modify anything on the spreadsheets, other than the 
information in the yellow boxes on the ACCESS1.0 spreadsheet.  There is 
no need to reenter the information on the "groups" spreadsheet.

Once you return these spreadsheets, I'll make sure all references on our 
website and in the ESG are consistent with your entries.

thanks and best regards,

On 1/18/12 4:27 PM, Muhammad Atif wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are supposed to publish data for ACCESS model. The original
> institute name for this model was CAWCR, but it has been decided that
> the modeling institute should be CSIRO-BOM. Is there anything that ESGF
> needs to do for this?
> Regards
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