[Go-essp-tech] GO-ESSP call Jan 10, 2012

Cecelia DeLuca cecelia.deluca at noaa.gov
Sat Jan 14 08:48:14 MST 2012

I think it would be good for ESGF to form an executive level body that 
stakeholders like yourself.  At a minimum, that would enable decisions 
to be explained
in a more decorous way, and would give people a forum for asking 
questions and
presenting their views.  I think a body that involves customers and other
stakeholders could play a more formal role in the decision making as 
well.  That
would also help the federation to explain and justify decisions to the 
broader community.

That doesn't answer your question, but maybe is something for people to 
consider as
part of a move forward.

-- Cecelia

On 1/13/2012 11:47 AM, Jennifer Adams wrote:
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Don Middleton wrote:
>> ... Karl contacted us and asked us to remove all of the federated CMIP5 datasets from our gateway.
> Could somebody explain why Karl asked NCAR to do this?
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