[Go-essp-tech] Status report on metadata display issues

Sylvia Murphy sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov
Mon Jan 9 09:10:06 MST 2012

Hi Everyone,

Since we have not had a go-essp-tech call in quite a while, I thought I
would send out an email summarizing the metadata-display operational issues
going across the federation:

STATUS OF BUGS IN THE SOFTWARE:  These issues affect every installation and
all users...

1) CIM instances (that contain unicode characters) are not displaying
properly.  This includes instances that contain % signs, "(", or umlauts.
This has been permanently fixed in 2.0 RC1, but will still be an issue for
users until 2.0 is finalized and installed across the federation.

2) Users are presented with a blurb on the simulation search page
indicating that "Much of the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
(CMIP5) metadata that will be accessible from this gateway is not yet
available". This has been fixed in 2.0 RC1, but will still be an issue for
users until 2.0 is finalized and installed across the federation.


There are some gateways with technical issues that also affect users:

1) PCMDI:  Users get an internal server error when they click on the
results of any metadata search, and see no model metadata at all.  This fix
requires that PCMDI update their postgres database.

2) NCI:  Users see most (37/61) but not all metadata records because NCI
needs to reharvest their triple store as part of their upgrade to 1.3.4.
We are in contact with NCI and walking them through this.  Note that triple
store reharvests will be significantly less painful with ESG 2.0.

 3) DKRZ: Users will not see data links in the trackback for local DKRZ
data.  This problem has been identified as a mismatch between the names in
the data and what is coming out of the CIM.  Such mismatches were
anticipated and a mapping file created to translate between the two.  This
file just needs to be updated at DKRZ.  This is being worked.

As always, you may check the status of metadata across the federation at:
 I last checked all the sites on 6 January and recheck every Friday.

Sylvia Murphy
NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
Time Zone: U.S. Mountain
Web: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/nesii/
Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-7753
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