[Go-essp-tech] CMIP5 publishing to Gateway and P2P nodes

Cinquini, Luca (3880) Luca.Cinquini at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 8 16:05:47 MST 2012

Hi Eric,
sorry for the late reply, I had lots going on today...

So yes, it would definitely possible for NCAR to wait to upgrade to a full P2P system, and still make your data available through the larger federation as everybody else moves to P2P. I believe these are the steps that should be taken:

a) The NCAR data node is updated to the latest version and configuration of thredds. This would allow that data to be authorized with multiple authorization services, one at the NCAR gateway, and one at a P2P Index node

b) The NCAR certificates and trust store are periodically updated to trust all other P2P nodes that dynamically join the federation

c) NCAR's THREDDS catalogs are periodically harvested by a P2P Index Node - for example by PCMDI.

This should allow NCAR data to be distributed as part of CMIP5, and minimize the work on the NCAR administrators.
If you decide to go down this path, we'll be happy to help you.

thanks, Luca

On Feb 8, 2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Nienhouse wrote:

Hi Luca,

We began discussing CMIP5 paths forward including phased roll-out of the
P2P nodes in the go-essp call yesterday.  Bob described a phase 2 and 3
which involve publishing catalogs to both the Gateway and a P2P index
node.  In other words, an interim heterogeneous system.

You mentioned that nodes (eg. the NCAR data node) may *only* need to
publish to the Gateway and that these nodes could be harvested and
indexed by others within the P2P system.  This would avoid the need to
doubly publish which is desirable.

I'm curious how might this work.  Is it only certain nodes that could
function in this way?  What would be required at the node to do so?



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