[Go-essp-tech] Invitation to participate in the 5/23/11 model metadata demonstration and review

Sylvia Murphy Sylvia.Murphy at noaa.gov
Wed May 18 09:35:57 MDT 2011

Hi Everyone,

On Monday 23 May 2011, we will conduct a demonstration and review of the model metadata and related pages in the ESG-CET gateway.  This will occur as part of the regularly scheduled Curator call.  Anyone who was unable to attend the GO-ESSP meeting or missed the demo there is welcome to join in. 

This demonstration and review will cover  the current status of CMIP5 metadata in the pending ESG release 1.3.1.  Specifically, participants will see the display of:

* Basic properties to include ensemble identification and simulation properties
* Technical properties (platform information)
* Scientific properties at the realm and sub-realm levels
* Couplings/Inputs 
* Experiment information
* CIM Grids, which are slightly different from the information in netCDF gridspec files
* Conformances

....using 3 CMIP5 instances from MOHC currently residing in the live METAFOR questionnaire atom feed.   

We value your participation and feedback on our efforts.  As always if you can not make this demonstration but wish to see the display, we can arrange for an alternate showing.  


0900 Pacific
1000 Mountain
1200 Eastern

*Phone Bridge*

Please dial: 1-866-692-3582
Passcode: 3443874#

*Web Bridge*

1) Go to: mymeetings.com
2) On the right side of the bottom box is a blue header call "Participant Join".  Underneath this label is a link: "Joint and Event".  Click on this
3) Meeting Number is: 741490701
4) Meeting Passcode is: 9270604
5) Enter your personal Information
6) Click "join now"
Sylvia Murphy
NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-7753
Fax: 303-497-7649

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