[Go-essp-tech] QC status

Martina Stockhause martina.stockhause at zmaw.de
Wed Jan 19 01:33:31 MST 2011

  Hi, Dean, hi all,

a short status of the QC implementation:

QC documentation (http://purl.org/org/cmip5/qc):
We use this redmine pages for supporting errors or problems with the QC 
tool as well. And we set up a subproject for discussion and technical QC 
information within ESGF. Both parts need a registration. So, all people 
involved in the QC L2 checks please register there.

For the construction of data links on the DOI resolving page we use the 
information about your TDS root directory from 

QC checks L2:
BADC is intensively testing the qc tool on their UKMO data. Within that 
tests some issues to be fixed came up. Parts of the results are ingested 
and accessible from the central QCDB.
* last changes of QC tool and QC wrapper: We will fix a version by end 
of February and move the bug report from personal emails to the redmine 
pages (https://redmine.dkrz.de/collaboration/projects/qc-internal - 
registration required).
* criteria for assignment of QC L2 are in preparation (see the QC tool 
exception list: http://www.leuchtturm-atlas.de/SCR/qc2list.html)

QC checks L3:
This is in the final stage of adaptation.
* GUI to support the author approval step: first release for testing 
within WDCC on 26.01.
* export of results from QCDB and cross- and double-checks are ready for 
the current metafor examples.

QC and metafor:
We agreed on
1. using the contact and author list information from the questionnaire 
simulations accessed via atomfeed.
2. reporting all QC results to metafor and from there via atomFeed to 
the gateways. QC Level and DOI information have to reach the gateway.
3. setting up the DOI resolving page with basic information on the 
DOI-ed data at BADC/within metafor
Unfortunately, we have no timeline with metafor for that issues.

1. author list information have not found a place in the CIM document. 
We are going to ask the main contact for that author list for the data 
publication in the QC L3 process. The main contact might not include an 
email address. The available examples does not.
2. A QC questionnaire with atomFeed is set up, but a tool for automatic 
ingest of QC result information into the CIM repository is missing.
3. There is no example or to be used URL known to us. For the link to 
additional metadata information that should point directly to the DRS 
experiment within metafor we have no construction, yet.

getting around:
1. list of contacts at the modelling centers in the internal part of the 
QC pages: Could you or Karl send such a list to me?
2. WDCC's database CERA can provide all quality information, since we 
need them during QC L3. The relevant piece of information for the 
gateways are QC Level and DOI (if existing). We have already set up a 
view to provide that information.
3. We have started to set up a "mirror" of the DOI resolving page at 
WDCC filled with data out of CERA. The link to data and metadata have 
still to be added.

We could need a table with the information, which modelling center 
delivers its data to which of the ESGF partners. E.g. the TDS2CIM tool 
could be prevented from scanning the same experiment in all three TDS 
after replication checking for exchanged or new data. It would be 
helpful for the QC workflow as well, especially in the case of data 
exchanges during the QC process or revised data after DOI publication. 
Dean, could you or Karl set up such a table in the ESGF wiki or elsewhere?

Best wishes,

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