[Go-essp-tech] requirements for scientific workspace

Jon Blower j.d.blower at reading.ac.uk
Fri Jun 18 07:35:49 MDT 2010

Hi Luca,

I'm running a couple of projects, both of which are in their early
stages, which are exploring the use of social spaces/blogs etc in
environmental science activity.  One of which
(http://www.mashmydata.org) I think you know about - we've had some
conversations (with Phil Kershaw and Simon Woodman) about ESG security
and delegation using OpenID/OAuth.  MashMyData is using e-Science
Central as a workspace for user file management, and this platform also
includes some social networking/blogging concepts, although we haven't
used them in this project yet.

The other project is http://www.blogmydata.org, which combines our
Godiva2 web-based data visualization with a blogging engine on which
users can discuss (privately if required) the data they are visualizing.
Again, it's too early to say what the real user demand is.

Anyway, let's stay in touch on this issue - I'll report back when the
project produce some more concrete results.

Best wishes,


Hi all,
	as you might know, the Earth System Curator project is looking
into building a scientific workspace functionality to be integrated as
part of the services provided by the Earth System Grid Federation.
This project is still in the early phases of gathering requirements, and
in particular we are discussing wether the workspace should include some
limited "social" functionality to the purpose of facilitating
the scientific discussion among members of the community. 

We were wondering if there is any interest in discussing the importance,
or lack thereof, of this kind of functionality within a scientific
workspace, maybe as one of the agenda topics in a future GO-ESSP call.

For example, requirements that might be worth discussing are:

o Should ESGF provide blogging capabilities, for users to discuss
scientifically relevant matters ?
o Should ESGF provide the capability for a user to create a personal
(limited) profile, with the intent of establishing his/her scientific
credibility ?
o Should any user be able to create a group and allow other users of
his/her choice into the group ?

If you are interested in having such discussion, please reply to the
list. We are especially interested in feedback from the GO-ESSP PIs...

thanks a lot,
Luca for the ESC project


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