[ES_JOBS_NET] Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship 2026 - Applications now open until Mar. 31

Erika von Schneidemesser evonsch at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 03:13:39 MST 2025

Please share the following open application for a Klaus Töpfer Fellowship
at the Research Institute for Sustainability, in Potsdam, Germany (just
outside of Berlin). Thank you!

The call for application for the Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship
2026 has been announced. *Applications can be submitted until March, 31st,
2025*. I would be happy, if you would share the call with your networks and
suitable candidates: https://www.rifs-potsdam.de/en/node/11201

The Research Institute for Sustainability at GFZ (RIFS) is looking for
international highly talented mid-career professionals, who have been
working for at least ten years on issues related to sustainable development
and have the potential to serve as change agents. Applicants should bring
innovative ideas from their respective fields in science, the arts, civil
society, business, politics, or other areas of society and have gained
professional experience in different countries and cultures. The Fellowship
will begin in the first quarter of 2026 and can be flexibly adapted to the
candidate's life situation.

Here you can read from former Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellows, how the
Fellowship helped to shape the path to a sustainable society:
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