[ES_JOBS_NET] Postbaccalaureate Positions in Astrophysics Science and Solar System Exploration Divisions a - NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD - Deadline 3/31/2025
McKee, Katherine (GSFC-660.0)[Southeastern Universities Research Assoc.]
katherine.s.mckee at nasa.gov
Fri Feb 28 11:00:58 MST 2025
Postbaccalaureate Positions in Astrophysics Science and Solar System Exploration Divisions at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Applications are now being accepted for short-term postbaccalaureate research positions to support the Astrophysics Science and Solar System Exploration Divisions at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. The position is funded by Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA<https://sura.org/>) through the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology II (CRESST II<https://cresst2.umd.edu/>).
The Astrophysics Science Division<https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/astrophysics/> conducts a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, and fundamental physics. Individual investigations address issues such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, which planets outside our solar system may harbor life, and the nature of space, time, and matter at the edges of black holes.
The Solar System Exploration Division<https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/solarsystem/> conducts theoretical and experimental research to explore the solar system and understand the formation and evolution of planetary systems. Laboratories within the division investigate areas as diverse as astrochemistry, planetary atmospheres, geochemistry, geophysics, geodynamics, space geodesy, extrasolar planetary systems, and comparative planetary studies.
Positions available within the Astrophysics Science and Solar System Exploration Divisions span a variety of research areas. Successful candidates will be chosen to work on one of the research projects listed below.
* Project #1 - Exoplanet spectroscopy modeling with the Planetary Spectrum Generator<https://psg.gsfc.nasa.gov> and development of the open-access exoplanet software database called the Exoplanet Modeling & Analysis Center<https://emac.gsfc.nasa.gov>. The selected candidate will work with Dr. Avi Mandell.
* Project #2 - The Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC<https://seec.gsfc.nasa.gov/>) connects multi-disciplinary researchers from the Planetary, Earth, Astrophysics, and Heliophysics science divisions at NASA GSFC to study exoplanet atmospheres and climates. Using a wide range of scientific and technical resources, SEEC scientists inform current NASA exoplanet observations and prepare for future missions. SEEC is posting a general call for candidates interested in supporting a project to be determined in one of two areas: observational, theory-centered or experiment-centered. Programming experience (especially Python) is a plus for the observational and theory-centered project. Instrumentation experience is a plus for the experiment-centered projects. The selected candidate will work with a SEEC team member to be determined.
* Project #3 - Developing methods for molecular and isotopic analysis of complex natural samples using pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The selected candidate will develop and optimize laboratory techniques to measure the organic and isotopic composition of samples that serve as an analog to Mars and other extraterrestrial materials. The selected candidate will work with Dr. Jennifer Stern.
* Project #4 - Perform experiments and modeling to predict chemical transport for key reactive species that may be processed by the mass spectrometer on DAVINCI, NASA's next in situ descent probe to Venus. The selected candidate will be working with Dr. Charles Malespin and Dr. Alvin Yew.
* Project #5 - Sample preparations and analyses via gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GCMS) in the Organic Processing and Analysis Laboratory (OPAL). Candidate should have some familiarity with organic chemistry or biochemistry, as well as gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The selected candidate will be working with Dr. Jennifer Eigenbrode.
* Project #6 - To increase the understanding of complex astrophysical data in the field of X-ray astronomy through the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning (ML) techniques. The main goal is to understand the nature and physics of the X-ray emission from the inner most regions of the black hole event horizon. Preference will be given to candidates who have strong AI/ML and computational skills, along with some background in astrophysics/physics/mathematics. The selected candidate will work with Dr. Sibasish Laha.
* Project #7 - Gamma-ray burst (GRB) and Gravitational Wave (GW) counterpart searches in the near-infrared (NIR) using ground-based methods. Work will involve spectroscopic and photometric observations and analysis of data taken with RIMAS<https://confluence.lowell.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=59114415&_gl=1*1nnovt9*_gcl_au*MjEwNDQ3MTcyNi4xNzM5OTk2ODQ4*_ga*NDYzNjA0MTM5LjE3MjQ5NjU3MzQ.*_ga_06ZXSS5SHV*MTczOTk5Njg0OC4zLjAuMTczOTk5Njg0OC42MC4wLjA.&_ga=2.203522512.1349076572.1739996848-463604139.1724965734> at the Lowell Discovery Telescope in Happy Jack, AZ and PRIME telescope<http://www-ir.ess.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/prime/> in Sutherland, South Africa. The selected candidate will be working with Dr. Alexander Kutyrev.
* Project #8 - High-precision analysis of late-time follow-up imaging for gravitational microlensing events in preparation for the Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey (RGES). The selected candidate will work with Dr. Sean K. Terry and engage with the RGES Project Infrastructure Team (PIT)<https://rges-pit.org/>.
Candidates should be soon or recent graduates with a bachelor's degree in astronomy, physics, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, or a related science, or engineering discipline. Individuals who have already earned a master's degree are ineligible. We encourage applicants who are considering applying to a graduate program in the near future, and who wish to expand their research experience in the interim to also apply. Successful candidates may have significant experience in scientific programming (Python is a major plus), machine learning, OR physical/chemical laboratory work.
To apply, each applicant should submit a cover letter describing personal background and interest in the applicants' chosen project, Curriculum Vitae, unofficial transcript, and contact information for two references to each project of interest through the CRESST II Breezy application platform<https://cresst2.breezy.hr/>. After sponsors review applications, additional support materials may be requested which may include a work sample in the form of a report, poster, journal article, writing sample, or coding examples. The deadline to apply is Monday, March 31, 2025, at 11:59 pm EDT.
This is a full-time position working on-site at NASA/GSFC for 40 hours/week. The position offers a competitive annual salary of $47,500, along with comprehensive benefits. The desired start date ranges from July - September 2025, with an initial employment term of one year that may be extended for one additional year contingent on performance and availability of funds. For general questions, contact the CRESST II Office (cresstoffice at gmail.com<mailto:cresstoffice at gmail.com>). SURA is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes all to apply. EOE/M/F/D/V.
[A picture containing text, clipart AI-generated content may be incorrect.]
Katie McKee (she/her)
Career Development Manager
Center for Research and Exploration in
Space Science and Technology
O: (301) 286-3063
katherine.s.mckee at nasa.gov<mailto:katherine.s.mckee at nasa.gov>
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