[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Scholar position investigating natural climate solutions

Kristina Bartowitz kjbartowitz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 11:03:01 MST 2025

*Postdoctoral Scholar position with ICS at UIdaho on investigating natural
climate solutions*


ICS <https://ics.uidaho.edu/> (Institute for Innovative Climate Solutions)
at the University of Idaho is the epicenter for convergent research
involving climate change at the university. The Institute for Innovative
Climate Solutions (ICS) is a multidisciplinary, collaborative research
program housed at the University of Idaho.  Our researchers, projects, and
partners are united around one common goal: to mitigate and reverse climate
change impacts on Earth and its inhabitants through integrated and
innovative solutions.

We are recruiting a postdoctoral scholar to focus on quantifying GHG fluxes
from land-based natural climate solutions (forest and agricultural
solutions) in northern Idaho. We are open to anyone with expertise and
knowledge spanning carbon flux systems, ecosystem ecology and / or
physiology, biogeochemistry, and natural climate solutions. Our primary
objective is to hire someone who is interested in evaluating the efficacy
of land-based natural climate solutions and co-generate knowledge on
climate solutions with partners (universities, non-profits, Tribes) across
the Inland Northwest Region.

*Required Skills and Experience:*

*Research Experience:* familiarity with ecosystem field measurements
(specifically eddy covariance systems and data analysis) and/or laboratory

*Collaborative Project Experience:* some background working with people
from different backgrounds or disciplines.

*Quantitative Analysis Experience:* Proficient in R programming and data
analysis, experience collecting and processing ecosystem (eddy covariance)
flux data

*Writing: *2 first author peer-reviewed publications

*Education: *PhD in relevant field


Maintain the flux field sites and equipment

Data management and analysis

Present research at national conferences

Write and contribute to peer-reviewed papers

Contribute to relevant proposal efforts

Mentor graduate and undergraduate students and technicians


In person at the University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. The Northern Rockies are
among the most rapidly changing landscapes in response to climate change,
making them an ideal setting for this research. Moscow, Idaho, offers an
exceptional quality of life, making it an ideal place to live for those
seeking a balance of small-town charm and access to outdoor adventures.
Nestled in the rolling hills of the Palouse, this vibrant community boasts
a rich cultural scene, excellent schools, and a strong sense of local
pride. The town is home to the University of Idaho, providing a dynamic,
college-town atmosphere with a variety of activities, events, and
opportunities for professional and personal growth. Washington State
University is 5 miles away, providing opportunities for other
collaborations. With affordable housing and proximity to natural beauty,
including hiking, biking, and skiing, Moscow is a wonderful place to call

*Start Date: ASAP, preferred by or before May 2025*

To apply please send:

1) CV,

2) contact information for 3 references, and

3) a statement of relevant research experience and interest (no longer than
1 page) to:

Kristina Bartowitz, Research Assistant Professor, University of Idaho,
kbartowitz at uidaho.edu with the subject line “UIdaho NCS Postdoc
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