[ES_JOBS_NET] Summer Field Assistant in Arctic Interdisciplinary Research (EVOME) (Temporary)

Tara Broadhurst tbroadhurst at woodwellclimate.org
Fri Feb 21 15:39:37 MST 2025

Hello All,
Woodwell is hiring  (2) Temporary Summer Field Assistants to work in Alaska
for (3) months and be based in the Toolik Field Station and camp sites.
Please share with your network.

*Summer Field Assistant in Arctic Interdisciplinary Research


Tara A. Broadhurst  |  Senior Talent Acquisition Partner

tbroadhurst at woodwellclimate.org

+1 508 444 1528 (Office)

Woodwell Climate Research Center

149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA 02540 USA

woodwellclimate.org <https://www.woodwellclimate.org/>  |  Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/WoodwellClimate>  -  Twitter
<https://twitter.com/WoodwellClimate>  -  Instagram

Woodwell Climate Research Center is located on the traditional and sacred
land of the Wampanoag people who still occupy this land, and whose history,
language, traditional way of life, and culture continue to influence this
vibrant community.

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