[ES_JOBS_NET] Exciting new Project Scientist position with the UC Santa Barbara Climate Hazards Center

Chris Funk chris.funk at geog.ucsb.edu
Tue Sep 24 14:13:10 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing today to share some exciting news, the opening of a new
PhD-level Project Scientist at the Climate Hazards Center at the University
of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The description is here

This multi-year position will work closely with senior CHC scientists to
study climate drivers in food-insecure regions in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin
America and/or Central Asia. Potential investigation topics include (i) the
identification of homogeneous, predictable climate and climate drivers;
(ii) the analysis of evaporative demand and its contribution to drought,
vegetation stress, and rangeland productivity; and (iii) research focused
on the impacts, causes, and predictability of extreme heat events and/or
the impacts of warming air temperatures on snowpack, water supplies or
health and/or labor productivity.

As part of this work, the project scientist will also have a unique
opportunity to work with our regional scientists living in Africa, Latin
America and/or Central Asia, supporting practical climate service
applications in these regions. For example, the project scientist and CHC
leads might work with institutions like INSIVUMEH
<https://insivumeh.gob.gt/>, AGRHYMET <https://agrhymet.cilss.int/>, ICPAC
<https://www.icpac.net/> or the Zimbabwe or Kenya <https://meteo.go.ke/>
meteorological departments to improve their weather/climate monitoring,
forecasting, early warning and advisory services.

A third important and exciting component of this work involves routine
contributions to the CHC’s monitoring and forecast work. Every month, CHC
analyses are used by groups like FEWS NET <http://www.fews.net> and
Monitor <http://www.cropmonitor.org/> to anticipate and respond to
potential starvation and food shocks. As part of the CHC team, this
scientist will contribute to climate-related decisions that help safeguard
millions of lives and livelihoods.

The CHC is made up of a diverse international set
<https://www.chc.ucsb.edu/people> of scientists and data scientists, a
unique organization that combines researchers at UCSB with regional
scientists in Guatemala, Niger, Kenya, Ethiopia, Botswana, South Africa and
Zimbabwe. It is a fun place to work, and the Center works hard to support
early career researchers.

More details regarding the application and position can be found at

If you know of likely candidates, or news letters or listservs likely to
reach likely candidates, please consider sharing the position link and this
letter with them. *Please do note that the position is in-person at the
University of California, Santa Barbara*.

Thanks for considering this opening. The submission window closes on
November 1st.


Chris Funk
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