[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD and postdoctoral positions in carbon cycle and climate at the University of Georgia
Anna Harper
a.harper at uga.edu
Tue Sep 24 07:28:33 MDT 2024
I am seeking two people to join my group at the University of Georgia in the U.S. - a fully-funded PhD student and a 2-year postdoc.
PhD position (Geography): Focus on vegetation and climate interactions in the context of carbon dioxide removal and climate mitigation. The project will rely on a combination of land surface and Earth system models. Start date: August 2025, though an earlier start might be possible. Applications are due to the graduate school by December 1st. But candidates interested in the position should send me a cover letter, highlighting their relevant research and academic experience, and a CV or resume before filling in the UGA application.
Postdoctoral position: will contribute to a new DOE-funded project on compound impacts from heat, wind, and drought on forests. Start date: November 1st, or as soon as possible. To learn more and to apply, see: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/400638
Please send any questions to me: A.Harper at uga.edu<mailto:A.Harper at uga.edu>.
Best wishes,
Dr Anna Harper
Associate Professor (she/her)
Department of Geography
University of Georgia
Link<https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=iIaXer4AAAAJ> to Google scholar profile
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