[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc position in eddy dynamics at NOAA PMEL in Seattle, WA

Zachary Erickson - NOAA Federal zachary.k.erickson at noaa.gov
Tue Sep 10 18:23:55 MDT 2024

Postdoctoral position available at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental
Laboratory studying eddy dynamics in the Gulf of Alaska.

This project will analyze data from satellite observations, drifters, Argo
floats, and high-resolution model output to understand the formation and
decay of eddies in the Gulf of Alaska and assess the impact of eddies in
this region on marine primary productivity. This postdoc will work with
Zach Erickson, Emily Lemagie, Wei Cheng, and Al Hermann at PMEL and
UW/CICOES. They will join vibrant PMEL research groups GOBOP (
https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/gobop/people) and EcoFOCI (
https://www.ecofoci.noaa.gov/about-us), and will also be invited to
participate in the NOAA CEFI Marine Ecosystem Task Force.

Funding is available for two years with the possibility of a third. For
details and to apply, visit https://apply.interfolio.com/153646.
Application review begins October 4th. U.S. citizenship is not required.
For questions contact Zach Erickson at zachary.k.erickson at noaa.gov.
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