[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc positions in Paris, at ENS/PSL, CNRS, and IPSL

Freddy Bouchet Freddy.Bouchet at cnrs.fr
Thu Oct 31 11:46:07 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

we have three 2-year Postdoc position available at ENS/PSL, CNRS, and 
IPSL in Paris, within the statistical physics and climate group.

1. Within the ClimTip European project: Studying the sub polar gyre and 
AMOC tipping points using machine learning and rare events algorithms

2. Theory and methodologies to improve rare events algorithms for 
studying rare and extreme climate events, using machine learning and 
emulators with application to extreme heatwaves or droughts urlr.me/LrtZG

3. New mathematical and statistical physics approaches to study future 
scenario and the resilience of the electric system urlr.me/WXx3n

Please forward to potentially interested candidates!

Best wishes,

Freddy Bouchet

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