[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc Lund University: Forest dynamics modelling

Thomas Pugh t.a.m.pugh at bham.ac.uk
Tue Oct 15 06:24:02 MDT 2024

Hi all,

I’m looking for somebody with modelling skills for a postdoc position working with me in Lund – integrating forest modelling and forest inventory data. More details at the link below. Application deadline 5th November.


Post-doctoral fellow in assesment of global forest dynamics

The world’s forests are changing rapidly around us. Rates of tree mortality are increasing in many regions, growth rates of trees are changing and the enormous sink of carbon that they provide may be under threat. Yet we currently lack consistent and reliable global-scale assessments of how the dynamics of tree growth and death are changing. In the Tree2Globe project, funded by the European Research Council, we are seeking to change this, developing new methodology to combine observational datasets, particularly from ground-based inventory plots, with dynamic global vegetation modelling.

The fellow will join this Tree2Globe team. They will develop new methodology utilizing the LPJ-GUESS dynamic vegetation model and applying it for assessment of dynamics and carbon cycling in forests around the world. They can expect opportunities to substantially build their professional network, interfacing with a large team of collaborators worldwide. The fellow will also become part of the BECC research platform, a collaboration between Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, which brings together over 250 researchers working on the topics related to biodiversity and ecosystem services under a changing climate.



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