[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant professor of teaching UCR

Tamara Harms tharms at ucr.edu
Wed Oct 2 09:59:42 MDT 2024

Assistant professor of teaching, Environmental Sciences

The University of California, Riverside (UCR) is currently accepting applications for a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Environmental Sciences. 

Responsibilities include teaching a minimum of 24 units per academic year (i.e., six 4-unit courses per academic year, equivalent to two 4-unit courses per academic quarter), curricular development, and other enrichment programs for service courses and majors within the Department of Environmental Sciences’ undergraduate program. This position will primarily contribute to teaching undergraduate core requirements at both the lower- and upper-division level. In addition, there may be opportunities to teach upper-division courses in specialized areas related to environmental sciences depending on the candidate’s expertise, background, and interests. Professional and/or scholarly activities may consist of scholarship of teaching and learning, preparation of extramural grants to support curricular projects, preparation of student training grants, studies of student success, implementing pedagogical advances, and development of undergraduate research initiatives (e.g., undergraduate capstone projects). Services may include coordination of large introductory courses, coordination of undergraduate research, mentoring and advising of students (particularly from underrepresented and underserved populations), and community outreach activities. 

Further details and to apply: https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply/JPF01980

Tamara Harms
Associate Professor
Environmental Sciences
University of California Riverside
2460B Geology Bldg
Riverside, CA 92521

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