[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD and postdoctoral positions -- chaire Espace, Ecole normale supérieure-PSL, Paris

Alessandra Giannini -- LMD alessandra.giannini at lmd.ipsl.fr
Tue May 7 13:53:56 MDT 2024

The newly established Chaire Espace, directed by Stéphanie Ruphy, <https://chaire-espace.ens.psl.eu/en/> is looking for early-career scientists to join the program in Fall 2024.

Research themes include (see <https://chaire-espace.ens.psl.eu/en/research/> for more information):

1/ Uses and representations of Space through the ages and into its new “golden age” of the 2020s: connectivity, constellations, exploration, manned flight, environmental protection and, in the longer term, the energy potential of space resources.

2/ How can we reconcile space as a “common good” and space as a sovereignty issue? How can we make the most of its scientific and economic resources without privatizing it, polluting it and ultimately compromising its stability?

3/ What contribution can space make to preserving the planet? What are the sustainable uses of space?

Please see <https://chaire-espace.ens.psl.eu/en/the-ecole-normale-superieure-in-paris-is-offering-a-phd-position-for-its-research-chair-dedicated-to-space/> for further information.

Deadline to apply is May 20, 2024.

Alessandra Giannini (she/her)
Professeure des Universités / Full Professor
CERES - Géosciences - LMD, École Normale Supérieure 
24, Rue Lhomond 75231 PARIS CEDEX 05, France
Adjunct Senior research scientist, IRI/Columbia University

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