[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc “Remote sensing of biodiversity across trophic levels” NASA-EMIT Science Team

Schweiger, Anna anna.schweiger at montana.edu
Sun May 5 22:08:47 MDT 2024

Postdoc position “Remote sensing of biodiversity across trophic levels” NASA-EMIT Science Team

The Remote Sensing Biodiversity Lab (PI Dr. Anna Schweiger, https://remotesensingbiodiversity.com<https://remotesensingbiodiversity.com/>) at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT is hiring a postdoc to join the NASA-ROSES project “Remote sensing of biodiversity across trophic levels”. We are looking for an exceptionally motivated individual with excellent programming, big data and writing skills, and a strong publication record in ecology, biodiversity science, and/or remote sensing.

The project “Remote sensing of biodiversity across trophic levels” aims to develop theory and methods for biodiversity metrics that can be remotely sensed, starting with airborne data, and to test their transferability to spaceborne imaging spectroscopy and lidar data. The successful applicant will be part of the EMIT Science Team allowing for regular exchange and collaboration with 30+ NASA-funded scientists and the program leads at JPL.

The position is initially for three years at ca. 57 K p.a. (plus benefits) with additional funding possibilities. Ideal starting date is September 2024, but a later date can be discussed.

Please contact Dr. Anna Schweiger for more information or send you application, incl. a CV and writing sample, directly to anna.schweiger at montana.edu<mailto:anna.schweiger at montana.edu>

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