[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD positions in data assimilation and machine learning at the University of Reading

Bach, Eviatar ebach at caltech.edu
Fri Mar 22 13:25:12 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

As part of the new Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics for Our Future Climate, we have several PhD position opportunities at the intersection of data assimilation and machine learning at the University of Reading.

See the project descriptions "Machine Learning Approaches in Bayesian and Ensemble Data Assimilation" and "Large ensembles of machine learning forecasts for advanced nonlinear filters in atmospheric data assimilation" on the project page here<https://apply.mfccdt.ac.uk/projects> for more details.

The positions would start in October 2024, and are for fully funded 4-year PhD studentship. Interested students should apply as soon as possible through the University of Reading's application page<https://www.reading.ac.uk/maths-and-stats/phd/mathematics-for-our-future-climate>.

Feel free to contact me with any questions and forward to anyone who may be interested!

Thank you,
Eviatar Bach
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