[ES_JOBS_NET] Coastal Blue Carbon Postdoc @ UGA. Deadline Extended!

Amanda Spivak aspivak at uga.edu
Wed Mar 6 09:06:09 MST 2024

The Spivak Coastal Biogeochemistry lab at the University of Georgia seeks a Postdoctoral Associate to study soil carbon preservation in salt marshes. The Postdoctoral Associate will lead lab- and field- experiments focusing on how redox oscillations alter plant-microbe-mineral interactions and organic matter transformations in wetland soils. This position is part of a larger, multi-year project funded by the Simons Foundation to assess hydrological controls on marsh ecosystem functioning, from microbes to landscapes. The starting salary is $60,000 plus benefits, with potential renewal for up to 4 years. Applicants must submit a cover letter describing their expertise and interests, CV, one publication exemplifying their research, and contact information for 3 references. Letters will be requested as needed. More information can be found here: https://www.marsci.uga.edu/directory/people/amanda-spivak; applications can be submitted here: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/357133/. Review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled, ideally with the candidate starting Summer 2024. Address inquiries to Dr. Amanda Spivak at aspivak[at]uga.edu.

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