[ES_JOBS_NET] Supplemental funding for US NSF-funded students to conduct research at EPA

Pye, Havala Pye.Havala at epa.gov
Mon Mar 4 07:39:47 MST 2024

Current graduate students supported by National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded projects or Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellows can join EPA Researchers as a fellow at an EPA facility.  The NSF supports these fellowships for up to six months through supplemental funding provided directly to the academic institution of the graduate students and fellows.

Information from NSF about the INTERN program (not limited to EPA) is available here:

To find a list of potential EPA host researchers and projects, see the "Research Fellowship Areas" linked here:
Several colleagues and I have projects listed and would be happy to chat about potential collaborations. Projects span the wide array of research at EPA.

Supplemental budget requests to support travel, tuition, stipend, and/or relocation are up to $55,000 per student. Applications for the supplemental funding have a target due date of April 15 to NSF.


Havala Olson Taylor Pye, Ph.D.
Physical Scientist
Office of Research and Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Email: Pye.Havala at epa.gov<mailto:Pye.Havala at epa.gov>

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