[ES_JOBS_NET] Doctoral Student in Atmospheric Science; University of Gothenburg and MAX IV

Erik Thomson erik.thomson at chem.gu.se
Fri Jul 26 05:28:21 MDT 2024

We are seeking a PhD student to join our research activities investigating how and where surface and interfacial chemistry has outsized environmental impacts!  Find links to the position that will include synchrotron-based research activities at MAX IV here:

Doctoral Student in Atmospheric Science at the University of Gothenburg (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)<https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7&lang=UK&validator=9b89bead79bb7258ad55c8d75228e5b7&job_id=34841>

Dr. Erik S. Thomson
Professor in Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry
Vice Prefekt för utbildning / Deputy Head of Department for Education
Göteborgs Universitet / University of Gothenburg
Naturvetenskapliga Fakulteten / Faculty of Science
Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi / Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
Atmospheric Science
Box 462
405 30 Gothenburg

room: Natrium 7457
lab: Natrium 7401a
phone: +46 31 786 90 71
fax: +46 31 772 34 99
email: erik.thomson at gu.se<mailto:erik.thomson at chem.gu.se>

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