[ES_JOBS_NET] CIRES/NOAA PSL: Postdoctoral Associate Developing Statistical Methods to Improve Weather and Hydrologic Predictions in Boulder, CO

Erin Towler - NOAA Federal erin.towler at noaa.gov
Mon Jul 1 15:35:55 MDT 2024

*CIRES/NOAA PSL has an opening for a Postdoc in Boulder, CO to work on
statistical methods improve weather and hydrologic predictions*

The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) is
seeking a Postdoctoral Associate to conduct research with a collaborative
team toward enhancing ensemble hydrologic predictions at weather to
seasonal timescales. The candidate will develop, test, and apply advanced
statistical and/or machine learning methods to prepare meteorological
output from global ensemble prediction systems for water forecasting
applications. The project’s outputs will serve a diverse community of users
including fellow researchers in hydrometeorological forecasting
communities, operational streamflow forecasting entities, and water
resource decision-makers.

*Apply by July 31, 2024 *

Find position details and how to apply here:

Erin Towler, PhD (she/her)
Research Physical Scientist
NOAA/PSL/HAD <https://psl.noaa.gov/research/divisions/ha/>
erin.towler at noaa.gov
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