[ES_JOBS_NET] Fire Emission Inventory Specialist position, California State Air Resources Board

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Wed Jan 24 16:51:03 MST 2024

Fire Emission Inventory Specialist position
California State Air Resources Board

We are looking for a scientist to join the Fire Emission Inventory team on the mission of inventorying fire activities and estimating fire emissions in California.  This position will primarily focus on intentional fires: prescribed fire, Tribal cultural fire, and agricultural burn.  The position's responsibilities include: working with other state/federal/local agencies on compiling, collating, and reconciling intentional burn activity datasets into an integrated geodatabase; performing fire emission calculations; and working with colleagues, academics, and stakeholders to develop novel methodologies to fill data gaps and reduce uncertainty of emission estimation.  There will also be opportunities to participate in interesting projects related to wildfire, mapping of vegetation fuels, geospatial analysis, and accidental fire in urban area.  The ideal candidate that we are looking to bring into the team will have strong scientific background; have experience with fire emission inventory and modeling, data collection and QAQC, and data analysis; and be well versed in geospatial analytical tools and programming languages for emission modeling and data processing.

Please see the job ad for additional details: https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=%20413809

Application deadline is Feb 7.

The usual tip for applying for state job: interested job applicant must first get onto the eligibility list for the "Air Pollution Specialist" job classification (which is a short self-assessment questionnaire and a pretty quick process, https://exams.spb.ca.gov/exams/aps/) before they can submit a job application.

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