[ES_JOBS_NET] Lecturer/Associate Professor in Applied Geology or Environmental Geoscience at the University of Southampton

Gavin Foster G.L.Foster at soton.ac.uk
Wed Jan 10 05:03:50 MST 2024

Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to this job opportunity: https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=2548423HN
Location:  National Oceanography Centre Southampton
Salary:   £44,263 to £61,198 per annum
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:  Monday 22 January 2024
Interview Date:   To be confirmed
Reference:  2548423HN

Lecturer/Associate Professor in Applied Geology or Environmental Geoscience

We are pursuing a major investment initiative to grow the School of Ocean and Earth Science<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/research/areas/ocean-earth-science> at the University of Southampton's Waterfront Campus<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/student-life/campuses/waterfront>. We seek to build on our international research profile and research-led education programmes to confront the most pressing scientific and societal challenges in the natural environment.

As part of a continuing hiring programme that has seen 12 new staff recruited over the past 3 years, we are seeking to make a Faculty appointment in Applied Geology or Environmental Geoscience, with research interests in one or more of these areas: volcanology; mineral resources with applications to the energy transition; environmental or hard-rock geochemistry; igneous petrology.

Applicants should be pursuing outstanding research questions in one of the above specified areas and will have a growing international profile that adds a new dimension to our thriving research programs across the interdisciplinary School of Ocean and Earth Science<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/oes/index.page> (SOES).  You will demonstrate a passion for education and an ability to enhance the delivery and development of our growing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Environmental Geoscience, as well as our long-standing programme in Geology, including field courses in the UK and overseas.

Based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton<https://noc.ac.uk/>, within the University's Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences, we have strong links to the GeoData institute<http://www.geodata.soton.ac.uk/geodata/>, Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/smmi/index.page>, Sustainability and Resilience Institute<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/research/institutes-centres/sustainability-resilience-institute>, and world-class supercomputer facilities<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/isolutions/staff/iridis.page>. SOES and the University of Southampton have extensive state of the art facilities relevant to these research areas (including a clean lab, mass spectrometry suite, and 3D imaging facilities e.g., micro-CT) https://www.southampton.ac.uk/research/facilities.   We lead the prestigious NERC INSPIRE Doctoral Training Programme (DTP<https://inspire-dtp.ac.uk/>) and are home to one of the largest graduate schools in Ocean and Earth Science in the world, with >130 PhD students.

What we can offer you

We are an ambitious, mutually supportive academic community and are passionate about creating an environment where everyone can achieve their full potential in education, research and enterprise<https://www.southampton.ac.uk/oes/about/equality-diversity-and-inclusion.page>. We hold a departmental Athena SWAN bronze award coupled to an institutional Athena SWAN silver award.

We welcome applications from all candidates with an interest in the role, and those who are committed to helping us create an inclusive work environment. We encourage applications from candidates from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, people who identify as LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities.

We recognise that employees may wish to have working patterns that fit with their caring responsibilities or work-life balance. Due consideration will be given to applicants who have had career breaks for reasons including maternity, paternity or adoption leave, disability, or illness. We offer a generous holiday allowance and additional University closure days, subsidised health and fitness facilities and access to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).

Interviews will take place in person in late February/Early March 2024.

For further details about the post you are invited to contact the Head of School, Professor Chris Hauton C.Hauton at soton.ac.uk<mailto:C.Hauton at soton.ac.uk> 44 (0) 2380595784

Application procedure:

Please include details for up to three referees, your full CV, your publication list and a 500-word research plan.

Prof Gavin Foster
Professor of Isotope Geochemistry & Head of Geochemistry Research Group
School of Ocean and Earth Science
University of Southampton
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
SO14 3ZH
Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 3786
Email: G.L.Foster at soton.ac.uk<mailto:G.L.Foster at soton.ac.uk>
Web1: www.thefosterlab.org<http://www.thefosterlab.org/>
Web2: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/oes/about/staff/glf1u08.page

!!Editor for Geochemical Perspective Letters (www.geochemicalperspectivesletters.org/<http://www.geochemicalperspectivesletters.org/>), please consider submitting a paper!!
Please note I often work flexibly and I do not expect replies to emails outside of your regular working hours.

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