[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc in coastal hydrogeology & geochemistry

Tamborski, Joseph J. jtambors at odu.edu
Mon Jan 8 11:38:17 MST 2024

The Old Dominion University (ODU) Research Foundation in Norfolk, Virginia is seeking applications for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to join an NSF-funded project to explore submarine groundwater discharge along the West Florida Shelf. The successful candidate will be responsible for the analysis and interpretation of Ra isotopes for tracing submarine groundwater discharge and associated inputs of dissolved nitrogen and iron to shelf waters. The postdoc will be expected to present their research findings at national conferences and publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In addition, up to two-weeks of local ship time will be made available to the successful candidate for supplementary studies in Chesapeake Bay and nearby shelf waters. The postdoc will work directly with Dr. Joseph Tamborski in the Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences at ODU (Coastal Hydrogeology Lab) and collaborate with project team members from Florida State University, University of Florida, Oregon State University, and the US Geological Survey. The appointment is intended to last for 18 months and could continue on based on project funding availability with an annual stipend of $55,000. This is a temporary, full-time, exempt position, and is eligible for benefits. Applicants may contact Dr. Joseph Tamborski (jtambors at odu.edu<mailto:jtambors at odu.edu>) for more information.
For more information on the ODU Coastal Hydrogeology lab: https://fs.wp.odu.edu/jtambors/
For more information on ODU's Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences: https://www.odu.edu/oes
To apply: https://hera.odurf.odu.edu/careers//Careers.aspx?req=23-052&type=JOBDESCR<https://hera.odurf.odu.edu/careers/Careers.aspx?req=23-052&type=JOBDESCR>

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