[ES_JOBS_NET] LADCO summer interns

TRACEY HOLLOWAY taholloway at wisc.edu
Fri Feb 9 15:09:12 MST 2024

>From Dr. Angela Dickens dickens at ladco.org<mailto:dickens at ladco.org>

LADCO is hiring two interns for summer 2024, and we would love your help in spreading the word about these opportunities. We’re looking for upper undergrads or grad students to work with us virtually, 20-30 hours a week. Applications are due March 8th. You can see more details here: https://www.ladco.org/work/careers/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ladco.org/work/careers/__;!!Mak6IKo!MpA_OUGWHEFbXvPhGT_5McDA-cMXaFeGBnqx1La4yAbSQgl6xjGCrHbCVwC5C869XlKYLna-fktHL3hU8a8$>.

  *   One intern will be analyzing mobile monitoring data collected during the AEROMMA/STAQS field campaigns, aiming at constraining emissions from intermodal facilities in Chicago. I’ll be supervising this student, in conjunction with Mark Janssen, our emissions modeler.
  *   The other intern will be working to develop self-organizing maps of meteorological conditions during different types of pollution events, working with our modeler, Tsengel Nergui, and with Zac.

Please distribute widely!

Many thanks,

Angela F. Dickens, Ph.D. (she/her)
Data Scientist
Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium
(847) 720-7883
d<mailto:dickens at ladco.org>ickens at ladco.org<mailto:dickens at ladco.org>

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