[ES_JOBS_NET] KGS Geohydrology Internship Program (paid summer research for undergrad or grad students)

Zipper, Sam samzipper at ku.edu
Thu Dec 5 13:43:39 MST 2024

The Kansas Geological Survey at the University of Kansas is hiring 3-5 interns to contribute to water-related research projects in summer 2025! Projects that may support interns include:

  *   evaluating irrigation management strategies to promote groundwater sustainability
  *   statistical modeling of water availability and/or water quality
  *   investigating statewide and regional groundwater quality data
  *   sampling groundwater wells for water chemistry analysis
  *   investigating playa (isolated wetland) groundwater recharge dynamics

The positions are available for upper-level undergraduates, recent graduates, or graduate students with an interest in interdisciplinary water science, including biogeochemistry, ecohydrology, and hydrogeology. The anticipated internship period is 12 weeks of full-time work with a flexible start date in May/June. These paid internships are open to current students (undergrad or grad) and recent graduates.

More info including eligibility and to apply: http://www.employment.ku.edu/staff/29424BR
Review begins January 21.

-Sam Zipper
Assistant Scientist, Kansas Geological Survey
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology
University of Kansas

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