[ES_JOBS_NET] EMBER BII Postdoc Vacancy

Kristina Bartowitz kjbartowitz at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 18:34:00 MDT 2024

The EMBER BII is an NSF Biology Integration Institute. We are a diverse
team of scientists, students, and postdocs spanning molecular, cellular,
organismal, and ecosystem scales of biology with specific interest in
forest response to climate change. The EMBER BII <https://embersci.org/> is
recruiting a postdoc to work on site and regional scale land modeling. This
position will focus on calibrating and applying the ecosystem demography
model FATES and the microbial soil biogeochemistry model MIMICS within the
Community Land Model (CLM) in Western forested ecosystems like Moscow
Mountain, Idaho. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for
conducting collaborative research with a focus integrating site level
measurements and insights, especially results from the EMBER lab
experiments and field manipulations, into the parameterization of FATES and
MIMICS within CLM. This includes information on plant physiological traits,
plant-microbe interactions, and ecosystem responses to disturbance. The
postdoc will be responsible for analyzing model output, updating model code
and equations where needed, and publishing results in scientific journals.
The postdoctoral researcher will work with the EMBER team to plan
measurements and experiments in the lab and field that will directly inform
model parameterization and evaluation. Goals of the present work are to
improve model representation of key biological processes that modulate
ecosystem response to stress, calibrate model parameters, and improve model
performance at point locations. The results of these studies will
contribute to understanding vegetation-climate-disturbance interactions and
how to best simulate these interactions in CLM. We encourage applicants
with a strong background in field and empirical work who are interested in
learning more about modeling during their postdoc to apply. Similarly,
candidates with more modeling experience who are looking to build field and
experimental skills in a postdoc are encouraged to apply. We also encourage
applicants to live “on-site” at either the University of Idaho in Moscow,
Idaho or the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado
with a competitive salary.

Contact us with questions and / or details on how to apply: Tara Hudiburg,
thudiburg at uidaho.edu Will Wieder, wwieder at ucar.edu)
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