[ES_JOBS_NET] Two open positions on Apple Weather Forecasting team

Joseph Hardin josephhardinee at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 08:11:49 MDT 2024

The Apple Weather Forecasting team is hiring for two software engineer
positions in the Cambridge/Boston or Boulder areas to work on one of the
most used forecasts in the world.

The first is a "coding atmospheric scientist". You'll work as a software
engineer, but use your domain knowledge of atmospheric science and
forecasting  to help improve and upgrade our forecasting engine. This
position is targeting someone with very strong coding skills, but that
likely comes in from an atmospheric science or physics background.

The second is a software engineer position on the team, preferably(but not
necessarily) with ML knowledge.

Both positions will work on the forecasting backend on all aspects of the
forecast and infrastructure. More details can be found at the two links
above including requirements and application information.

Joseph Hardin, Ph.D.
Apple Weather Forecasting
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